
Tom Troscianko

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16EENicholaos Mourkoussis, Fiona Rivera, Tom Troscianko, Katerina Mania, Rycharde Hawkes: Action-based slant perception in real and virtual environments. APGV 2007: 135
15EEP. George Lovell, C. Alejandro Párraga, Tom Troscianko, Caterina Ripamonti, David J. Tolhurst: Evaluation of a multiscale color model for visual difference prediction. TAP 3(3): 155-178 (2006)
14EETimothy D. Dixon, Eduardo Fernández Canga, J. M. Noyes, Tom Troscianko, Stavri G. Nikolov, David R. Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah: Methods for the assessment of fused images. TAP 3(3): 309-332 (2006)
13 Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Tom Troscianko: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, APGV 2005, A Coruña, Spain, August 26-28, 2005 ACM 2005
12EEDavid J. Tolhurst, Caterina Ripamonti, C. Alejandro Párraga, P. George Lovell, Tom Troscianko: A multiresolution color model for visual difference prediction. APGV 2005: 135-138
11EETimothy D. Dixon, Jan Noyes, Tom Troscianko, Eduardo Fernández Canga, Dave Bull, Cedric Nishan Canagarajah: Psychophysical and metric assessment of fused images. APGV 2005: 43-50
10EEGeorgia Mastoropoulou, Kurt Debattista, Alan Chalmers, Tom Troscianko: The influence of sound effects on the perceived smoothness of rendered animations. APGV 2005: 9-15
9EEGeorgia Mastoropoulou, Kurt Debattista, Alan Chalmers, Tom Troscianko: Auditory bias of visual attention for perceptually-guided selective rendering of animations. GRAPHITE 2005: 363-369
8EEPatrick Ledda, Alan Chalmers, Tom Troscianko, Helge Seetzen: Evaluation of tone mapping operators using a High Dynamic Range display. ACM Trans. Graph. 24(3): 640-648 (2005)
7EEErik Reinhard, Peter Shirley, Michael Ashikhmin, Tom Troscianko: Second order image statistics in computer graphics. APGV 2004: 99-106
6EEMark Everingham, Barry T. Thomas, Tom Troscianko: Wearable Mobility Aid for Low Vision Using Scene Classification in a Markov Random Field Model Framework. Int. J. Hum. Comput. Interaction 15(2): 231-244 (2003)
5 Katerina Mania, Tom Troscianko, Rycharde Hawkes, Alan Chalmers: Fidelity Metrics for Virtual Environment Simulations Based on Spatial Memory Awareness States. Presence 12(3): 296-310 (2003)
4 Ann McNamara, Alan Chalmers, Tom Troscianko, Iain Gilchrist: Comparing Real & Synthetic Scenes using Human Judgements of Lightness. Rendering Techniques 2000: 207-218
3 Ann McNamara, Alan Chalmers, Tom Troscianko, Erik Reinhard: Fidelity of Graphics Reconstructions: A Psychophysical Investigation. Rendering Techniques 1998: 237-246
2EENeill W. Campbell, Barry T. Thomas, Tom Troscianko: Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Outdoor Images Using Neural Networks. Int. J. Neural Syst. 8(1): 137-144 (1997)
1EENeill W. Campbell, William P. J. Mackeown, Barry T. Thomas, Tom Troscianko: Interpreting image databases by region classification. Pattern Recognition 30(4): 555-563 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Ashikhmin [7]
2Dave Bull [11]
3David R. Bull [14]
4Heinrich H. Bülthoff [13]
5Neill W. Campbell [1] [2]
6Cedric Nishan Canagarajah [11] [14]
7Eduardo Fernández Canga [11] [14]
8Alan Chalmers [3] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10]
9Kurt Debattista [9] [10]
10Timothy D. Dixon [11] [14]
11Mark Everingham [6]
12Iain Gilchrist [4]
13Rycharde Hawkes [5] [16]
14Patrick Ledda [8]
15P. George Lovell [12] [15]
16William P. J. Mackeown [1]
17Katerina Mania [5] [16]
18Georgia Mastoropoulou [9] [10]
19Ann McNamara [3] [4]
20Nicholaos Mourkoussis [16]
21Stavri G. Nikolov [14]
22J. M. Noyes [14]
23Jan Noyes [11]
24C. Alejandro Párraga [12] [15]
25Erik Reinhard [3] [7]
26Caterina Ripamonti [12] [15]
27Fiona Rivera [16]
28Helge Seetzen [8]
29Peter Shirley [7]
30Barry T. Thomas [1] [2] [6]
31David J. Tolhurst [12] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)