
Alexei Tretiakov

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27EEDiane E. Strode, Sid L. Huff, Alexei Tretiakov: The Impact of Organizational Culture on Agile Method Use. HICSS 2009: 1-9
26EEHwang Wu Yuin, Alexei Tretiakov, Chou Huey-Wen, Hsu Rueng-Lueng, Lee Ching-Yuan: A Study of Intra-action and its Influence on Learning. ICALT 2008: 131-135
25EEMarkus Kirchberg, Alexei Tretiakov: A Persistent Object Store as Platform for Integrated Database Programming and Querying Languages. ICSEA 2008: 319-328
24EERoland Kaschek, Eyas El-Qawasmeh, Alexei Tretiakov: A Heuristic Understanding Model. ICALT 2007: 61-63
23EEMarkus Kirchberg, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Alexei Tretiakov, Richard Wang: A multi-level architecture for distributed object bases. Data Knowl. Eng. 60(1): 150-184 (2007)
22EEMarkus Kirchberg, Faizal Riaz-ud-Din, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Alexei Tretiakov: Using reflection for querying XML documents. ADC 2006: 119-128
21EEAlexei Tretiakov, Øyvind Smestad, Kinshuk: Improving the Quality of Discussion Forum discourses by Using an Internal Market. ICALT 2006: 601-602
20EEMarkus Kirchberg, Faizal Riaz-ud-Din, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Alexei Tretiakov: Towards Algebraic Query Optimisation for XQuery. J. Data Semantics VII: 165-195 (2006)
19EEAlexei Tretiakov, Kinshuk: An Allocation Model for Automatic Assignment Generation and Marking. ICALT 2005: 133-137
18EEAlexei Tretiakov, Nian-Shing Chen, Kinshuk, Sven Hartmann: Formal Logic as a Learning Facilitation Tool ICALT 2005: 459-463
17EEKlaus-Dieter Schewe, Bernhard Thalheim, Alexei Tretiakov: Personalised Web-Based Learning Systems. ICALT 2005: 655-658
16 Markus Kirchberg, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Alexei Tretiakov: Using XML to Support Media Types. ISTA 2005: 101-113
15EEAlexei Tretiakov, Sven Hartmann: Higher-Order Entity Relationship Modelling with UML. QSIC 2005: 205-214
14EEAlexei Tretiakov, Kinshuk: Creating a Pervasive Testing Environment by Using SMS Messaging. WMTE 2005: 62-66
13 Alexei Tretiakov, Kinshuk: A Unified Approach to Mobile Adaptation of Educational Content. ICALT 2004
12 Alexei Tretiakov, Roland Kaschek, Kinshuk: Adaptive Metaphor-Enabling of Web-Based Courses. ICALT 2004
11 Bhavani Sridharan, Alexei Tretiakov, Kinshuk: Application of Ontology to Knowledge Management in Web based Learning. ICALT 2004
10 Oleg Rostanin, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Bernhard Thalheim, Alexei Tretiakov: Managing the Data in Electronic Learning Systems. ICALT 2004
9 Markus Kirchberg, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Alexei Tretiakov, Alexander Kuckelberg: On Coding Navigation Paths for In-Memory Navigation in Persistent Object Stores. SBBD 2004: 259-268
8EEAlexei Tretiakov, Sven Hartmann: Mobile Content Adaptation as an Optimisation Problem. WISE Workshops 2004: 201-210
7EEAlexei Tretiakov, Hong Hong, Kinshuk, Ashok Patel: Adding Value to Educational Content by Applying MRA Filtering. ICALT 2003: 27-31
6EEAlexei Tretiakov, Yanmin Shi, Hong Hong, Kinshuk: Template Server Architecture. ICALT 2003: 286-287
5EEAlexei Tretiakov, Kinshuk, Takako Tretiakov: Designing Multimedia Support for Situated Learning. ICALT 2003: 32-36
4 Markus Kirchberg, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Alexei Tretiakov: A Multi-Level Architecture for Distributed Object Bases. ICEIS (1) 2003: 63-70
3EEAlexei Tretiakov: Education and Artificial Intelligence or Foundations of Modern Didactics of University Education (in Russian). Educational Technology & Society 6(2): 75-76 (2003)
2EEAlexei Tretiakov: Forum MATRIX. Educational Technology & Society 5(2): (2002)
1  Kinshuk, Alexei Tretiakov, Hong Hong, Ashok Patel: Human Teacher in Intelligent Tutoring System: A Forgotten Entity!. ICALT 2001: 227-230

Coauthor Index

1Nian-Shing Chen [18]
2Lee Ching-Yuan [26]
3Eyas El-Qawasmeh [24]
4Sven Hartmann [8] [15] [18]
5Hong Hong [1] [6] [7]
6Chou Huey-Wen [26]
7Sid L. Huff [27]
8Roland Kaschek [12] [24]
9 Kinshuk [1] [5] [6] [7] [11] [12] [13] [14] [18] [19] [21]
10Markus Kirchberg [4] [9] [16] [20] [22] [23] [25]
11Alexander Kuckelberg [9]
12Ashok Patel [1] [7]
13Faizal Riaz-ud-Din [20] [22]
14Oleg Rostanin [10]
15Hsu Rueng-Lueng [26]
16Klaus-Dieter Schewe [4] [9] [10] [16] [17] [20] [22] [23]
17Yanmin Shi [6]
18Øyvind Smestad [21]
19Bhavani Sridharan [11]
20Diane E. Strode [27]
21Bernhard Thalheim [10] [17]
22Takako Tretiakov [5]
23Richard Wang [23]
24Hwang Wu Yuin [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)