
Kim Todd

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12EETabatha Verbick, Scott Shields, Kim Todd: Strategic guidance: blazing a path to student employee excellence in leadership. SIGUCCS 2008: 49-54
11EEJon Rickman, Merlin Miller, Tabatha Verbick, Kim Todd: Notebook universities do not have to be expensive. SIGUCCS 2006: 333-338
10EEPatricia Wyatt, Kim Todd, Tabatha Verbick: Oh, my aching laptop: expanding the boundaries of campus computing ergonomics. SIGUCCS 2006: 431-439
9EEKim Todd, Lori Mardis, Patricia Wyatt: We've come a long way, baby!: but where women and technology are concerned, have we really? SIGUCCS 2005: 380-387
8EEKim Todd, Tabatha Verbick: Baiting the hook: catching and keeping quality student employees through professional development and non-numeric incentives. SIGUCCS 2005: 388-394
7EEKim Todd, Lori Mardis, Patricia Wyatt: Synergy in action: when information systems and library services collaborate to create successful client-centered computing labs. SIGUCCS 2005: 395-400
6EEKim Todd, Jon Rickman, Tabatha Verbick: Implementing a network improvement action plan. SIGUCCS 2004: 129-132
5EEKim Todd, Tabatha Verbick: Why can't I do it here?: using students as policy educators and enforcers. SIGUCCS 2004: 340-342
4EETabatha Verbick, Kim Todd: Tech-NO-Nerds: why the best student computer lab consultants are often not from the computer science department. SIGUCCS 2003: 225-227
3EEJon Rickman, Kim Todd, Tabatha Verbick, Merlin Miller: The evolution of the electronic campus: from a communication system to an educational delivery system. SIGUCCS 2003: 65-69
2EEKim Todd, Tabatha Verbick, Merlin Miller: Policies for the digital age campus. SIGUCCS 2001: 194-196
1EEKim Todd, Tabatha Verbick, Merlin Miller: Ethics education in the microchip millennium. SIGUCCS 2001: 271-274

Coauthor Index

1Lori Mardis [7] [9]
2Merlin Miller [1] [2] [3] [11]
3Jon Rickman [3] [6] [11]
4Scott Shields [12]
5Tabatha Verbick [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12]
6Patricia Wyatt [7] [9] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)