
Anthony Tang

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17EEAnthony Tang, Saul Greenberg, Sidney Fels: Exploring video streams using slit-tear visualizations. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3509-3510
16EEAnthony Tang, Joel Lanir, Saul Greenberg, Sidney Fels: Supporting transitions in work: informing large display application design by understanding whiteboard use. GROUP 2009: 149-158
15EEJoel Lanir, Kellogg S. Booth, Anthony Tang: MultiPresenter: a presentation system for (very) large display surfaces. ACM Multimedia 2008: 519-528
14EEAnthony Tang, Saul Greenberg, Sidney Fels: Exploring video streams using slit-tear visualizations. AVI 2008: 191-198
13EEPetra Isenberg, Anthony Tang, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale: An exploratory study of visual information analysis. CHI 2008: 1217-1226
12EEAnthony Tang, Matthias Finke, Michael Blackstock, Rock Leung, Meghan Deutscher, Rodger Lea: Designing for bystanders: reflections on building a public digital forum. CHI 2008: 879-882
11EEMatthias Finke, Anthony Tang, Rock Leung, Michael Blackstock: Lessons learned: game design for large public displays. DIMEA 2008: 26-33
10EEKento Miyaoku, Anthony Tang, Sidney Fels: C-Band: A Flexible Ring Tag System for Camera-Based User Interface. HCI (14) 2007: 320-328
9EEGarth Shoemaker, Anthony Tang, Kellogg S. Booth: Shadow reaching: a new perspective on interaction for large displays. UIST 2007: 53-56
8EEAnthony Tang, Melanie Tory, Barry A. Po, Petra Neumann, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale: Collaborative Coupling over Tabletop Displays. CHI 2006: 1181-1190
7EENelson Siu, Lee Iverson, Anthony Tang: Going with the flow: email awareness and task management. CSCW 2006: 441-450
6EERussell Kruger, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Stacey D. Scott, Anthony Tang: Fluid integration of rotation and translation. CHI 2005: 601-610
5EEAnthony Tang, Peter McLachlan, Karen Lowe, Chalapati Rao Saka, Karon E. MacLean: Perceiving ordinal data haptically under workload. ICMI 2005: 317-324
4EESimon M. Lucas, Alex Panaretos, Luis Sosa, Anthony Tang, Shirley Wong, Robert Young, Kazuki Ashida, Hiroki Nagai, Masayuki Okamoto, Hiroaki Yamamoto, Hidetoshi Miyao, JunMin Zhu, WuWen Ou, Christian Wolf, Jean-Michel Jolion, Leon Todoran, Marcel Worring, Xiaofan Lin: ICDAR 2003 robust reading competitions: entries, results, and future directions. IJDAR 7(2-3): 105-122 (2005)
3EEAnthony Tang, Michael Boyle, Saul Greenberg: Understanding and Mitigating Display and Presence Disparity in Mixed Presence Groupware. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 37(2): (2005)
2EEAnthony Tang, Michael Boyle, Saul Greenberg: Display and Presence Disparity in Mixed Presence Groupware. AUIC 2004: 73-82
1EESimon M. Lucas, Alex Panaretos, Luis Sosa, Anthony Tang, Shirley Wong, Robert Young: ICDAR 2003 Robust Reading Competitions. ICDAR 2003: 682-687

Coauthor Index

1Kazuki Ashida [4]
2Michael Blackstock [11] [12]
3Kellogg S. Booth [9] [15]
4Michael Boyle [2] [3]
5M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale [6] [8] [13]
6Meghan Deutscher [12]
7Sidney Fels (S. Sidney Fels) [10] [14] [16] [17]
8Matthias Finke [11] [12]
9Saul Greenberg [2] [3] [14] [16] [17]
10Petra Isenberg (Petra Neumann) [8] [13]
11Lee Iverson [7]
12Jean-Michel Jolion [4]
13Russell Kruger [6]
14Joel Lanir [15] [16]
15Rodger Lea [12]
16Rock Leung [11] [12]
17Xiaofan Lin [4]
18Karen Lowe [5]
19Simon M. Lucas [1] [4]
20Karon E. MacLean [5]
21Peter McLachlan [5]
22Hidetoshi Miyao [4]
23Kento Miyaoku [10]
24Hiroki Nagai [4]
25Masayuki Okamoto [4]
26WuWen Ou [4]
27Alex Panaretos [1] [4]
28Barry A. Po [8]
29Chalapati Rao Saka [5]
30Stacey D. Scott [6]
31Garth Shoemaker [9]
32Nelson Siu [7]
33Luis Sosa [1] [4]
34Leon Todoran [4]
35Melanie Tory [8]
36Christian Wolf [4]
37Shirley Wong [1] [4]
38Marcel Worring [4]
39Hiroaki Yamamoto [4]
40Robert Young [1] [4]
41JunMin Zhu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)