
Leon Todoran

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9EESimon M. Lucas, Alex Panaretos, Luis Sosa, Anthony Tang, Shirley Wong, Robert Young, Kazuki Ashida, Hiroki Nagai, Masayuki Okamoto, Hiroaki Yamamoto, Hidetoshi Miyao, JunMin Zhu, WuWen Ou, Christian Wolf, Jean-Michel Jolion, Leon Todoran, Marcel Worring, Xiaofan Lin: ICDAR 2003 robust reading competitions: entries, results, and future directions. IJDAR 7(2-3): 105-122 (2005)
8EELeon Todoran, Marcel Worring, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: The UvA color document dataset. IJDAR 7(4): 228-240 (2005)
7EEElisa H. Barney Smith, David Monn, Sriharsha Veeramachaneni, Koichi Kise, Alessio Malizia, Leon Todoran, Adnan El-Nasan, Rolf Ingold: Reports of the DAS02 working groups. IJDAR 6(3): 200-206 (2003)
6EELeon Todoran, Marcel Worring, Arnold W. M. Smeulders: Data GroundTruth, Complexity, and Evaluation Measures for Color Document Analysis. Document Analysis Systems 2002: 519-531
5EEMarco Aiello, Christof Monz, Leon Todoran: Document understanding for a broad class of documents. IJDAR 5(1): 1-16 (2002)
4EEMarcel Worring, Bob J. Wielinga, Anjo Anjewierden, Frans Verster, Leon Todoran, Suzanne Kabel, Robert de Hoog: Automatic Indexing Of Text And Graphics In Technical Manuals. ICME 2001
3 Marco Aiello, Christof Monz, Leon Todoran: Combining linguistic and spatial information for document analysis. RIAO 2000: 266-275
2EEMarco Aiello, Christof Monz, Leon Todoran: Combining Linguistic and Spatial Information for Document Analysis CoRR cs.CL/0009014: (2000)
1EEMarcel Worring, Leon Todoran: Segmentation of Color Documents by Line Oriented Clustering using Spatial Information. ICDAR 1999: 67-70

Coauthor Index

1Marco Aiello [2] [3] [5]
2Anjo Anjewierden [4]
3Kazuki Ashida [9]
4Adnan El-Nasan [7]
5Robert de Hoog [4]
6Rolf Ingold [7]
7Jean-Michel Jolion [9]
8Suzanne Kabel [4]
9Koichi Kise [7]
10Xiaofan Lin [9]
11Simon M. Lucas [9]
12Alessio Malizia [7]
13Hidetoshi Miyao [9]
14David Monn [7]
15Christof Monz [2] [3] [5]
16Hiroki Nagai [9]
17Masayuki Okamoto [9]
18WuWen Ou [9]
19Alex Panaretos [9]
20Arnold W. M. Smeulders [6] [8]
21Elisa H. Barney Smith [7]
22Luis Sosa [9]
23Anthony Tang [9]
24Sriharsha Veeramachaneni [7]
25Frans Verster [4]
26Bob J. Wielinga [4]
27Christian Wolf [9]
28Shirley Wong [9]
29Marcel Worring [1] [4] [6] [8] [9]
30Hiroaki Yamamoto [9]
31Robert Young [9]
32JunMin Zhu [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)