
Barry A. Po

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10EEMelanie Tory, Sheryl Staub-French, Barry A. Po, Fuqu Wu: Physical and Digital Artifact-Mediated Coordination in Building Design. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 17(4): 311-351 (2008)
9EEAnthony Tang, Melanie Tory, Barry A. Po, Petra Neumann, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale: Collaborative Coupling over Tabletop Displays. CHI 2006: 1181-1190
8EEDavid W. Sprague, Barry A. Po, Kellogg S. Booth: The importance of accurate VR head registration on skilled motor performance. Graphics Interface 2006: 131-137
7EEBarry A. Po, Brian D. Fisher, Kellogg S. Booth: Comparing cursor orientations for mouse, pointer, and pen interaction. CHI 2005: 291-300
6EEBarry A. Po, Brian D. Fisher, Kellogg S. Booth: A two visual systems approach to understanding voice and gestural interaction. Virtual Reality 8(4): 231-241 (2005)
5EEReynald Hoskinson, Caitlin Akai, Brian D. Fisher, John Dill, Barry A. Po: Causes of depth perception errors in stereo displays. APGV 2004: 164
4EEBarry A. Po, Brian D. Fisher, Kellogg S. Booth: Mouse and touchscreen selection in the upper and lower visual fields. CHI 2004: 359-366
3EEColin Swindells, Barry A. Po, Ima Hajshirmohammadi, Brian Corrie, John C. Dill, Brian D. Fisher, Kellogg S. Booth: Comparing CAVE, Wall, and Desktop Displays for Navigation and Wayfinding in Complex 3D Models. Computer Graphics International 2004: 420-427
2EEFlorian Vogt, Justin Wong, Barry A. Po, Ritchie Argue, Sidney Fels, Kellogg S. Booth: Exploring Collaboration with Group Pointer Interaction. Computer Graphics International 2004: 636-639
1EEBarry A. Po, Brian D. Fisher, Kellogg S. Booth: Pointing and Visual Feedback for Spatial Interaction in Large-Screen Display Environments. Smart Graphics 2003: 22-38

Coauthor Index

1Caitlin Akai [5]
2Ritchie Argue [2]
3Kellogg S. Booth [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
4M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale [9]
5Brian Corrie [3]
6John Dill [5]
7John C. Dill [3]
8Sidney Fels (S. Sidney Fels) [2]
9Brian D. Fisher [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
10Ima Hajshirmohammadi [3]
11Reynald Hoskinson [5]
12Petra Isenberg (Petra Neumann) [9]
13David W. Sprague [8]
14Sheryl Staub-French [10]
15Colin Swindells [3]
16Anthony Tang [9]
17Melanie Tory [9] [10]
18Florian Vogt [2]
19Justin Wong [2]
20Fuqu Wu [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)