
Ludovic Tambour

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4EENacer-Eddine Zergainoh, Ludovic Tambour, Ahmed Amine Jerraya: Automatic delay correction method for IP block-based design of VLSI dedicated digital signal processing systems: theoretical foundations and implementation. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 14(4): 349-360 (2006)
3EENacer-Eddine Zergainoh, Ludovic Tambour, Henri Michel, Ahmed Amine Jerraya: Méthodes de correction de retard dans les modèles RTL des systèmes monopuces DSP obtenus par assemblage de composants IP : fondement théorique et implémentation. Technique et Science Informatiques 24(10): 1227-1257 (2005)
2EELudovic Tambour, Nacer-Eddine Zergainoh, Pascal Urard, Henri Michel, Ahmed Amine Jerraya: An Efficient Methodology and Semi-Automated Flow for Design and Validation of Complex Digital Signal Processing ASICS Macro-Cells. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 56-63
1 Nacer-Eddine Zergainoh, Amer Baghdadi, Ludovic Tambour, Damien Lyonnard, Lovic Gauthier, Ahmed Amine Jerraya: Framework for System Design, Validation and Fast Prototyping of Multiprocessor System-On-Chip. DIPES 2000: 99-110

Coauthor Index

1Amer Baghdadi [1]
2Lovic Gauthier [1]
3Ahmed Amine Jerraya [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Damien Lyonnard [1]
5Henri Michel [2] [3]
6Pascal Urard [2]
7Nacer-Eddine Zergainoh [1] [2] [3] [4]

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