
Keiji Suzuki

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8 Isamu Kitano, Keiji Suzuki: Examination of Abilities based on Pseudolite System for Indoor Positioning. IAS 2006: 334-340
7 Takamasa Sato, Keiji Suzuki: A Memory-based PID Controller for Indoor Airship Robot. IAS 2006: 341-348
6EEKeiji Suzuki: Effects of Conflict between Emergent Charging Agents in Social Dilemma. MAMUS 2003: 120-136
5 Hidenori Kawamura, Masahito Yamamoto, Keiji Suzuki, Azuma Ohuchi: Ants War with Evolutive Pheromone Style Communication. ECAL 1999: 639-643
4 Kan Yoneda, Keiji Suzuki, Yutaka Kanayama: Gait Planning for Versatile Motion of a Six-Legged Robot. ICRA 1994: 1338-1343
3 Hidenori Sakanashi, Keiji Suzuki, Yukinori Kakazu: Controlling Dynamics of GA through Filtered Evaluation Function. PPSN 1994: 239-248
2 Yukinori Kakazu, Hidenori Sakanashi, Keiji Suzuki: Adaptive Search Strategy for Genetic Algorithms with Additional Genetic Algorithms. PPSN 1992: 313-322
1 Keiji Suzuki, Yukinori Kakazu: An Approach to the Analysis of the Basins of the Associative Memory Model Using Genetic Algorithms. ICGA 1991: 539-546

Coauthor Index

1Yukinori Kakazu [1] [2] [3]
2Yutaka Kanayama [4]
3Hidenori Kawamura [5]
4Isamu Kitano [8]
5Azuma Ohuchi [5]
6Hidenori Sakanashi [2] [3]
7Takamasa Sato [7]
8Masahito Yamamoto [5]
9Kan Yoneda [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)