
Peter Sutton

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14EEJohn Shield, Peter Sutton, Philip Machanick: Dynamic Cache Switching in Reconfigurable Embedded Systems. FPL 2007: 111-116
13EEJohn Shield, Peter Sutton, Philip Machanick: Analysis of Kernel Effects on Optimisation Mismatch in Cache Reconfiguration. FPL 2007: 625-628
12EERyan Wishart, Jadwiga Indulska, Marius Portmann, Peter Sutton: Context-Enhanced Authentication for Infrastructureless Network Environments. UIC 2006: 924-935
11EEMontserrat Ros, Peter Sutton: A post-compilation register reassignment technique for improving hamming distance code compression. CASES 2005: 97-104
10EEMontserrat Ros, Peter Sutton: A hamming distance based VLIW/EPIC code compression technique. CASES 2004: 132-139
9EEMontserrat Ros, Peter Sutton: Code Compression Based on Operand-Factorization for VLIW Processor. Data Compression Conference 2004: 559
8EEJadwiga Indulska, Peter Sutton: Location Management in Pervasive Systems. ACSW Frontiers 2003: 143-151
7EEMontserrat Ros, Peter Sutton: Compiler optimization and ordering effects on VLIW code compression. CASES 2003: 95-103
6EEJihan Zhu, Peter Sutton: FPGA Implementations of Neural Networks - A Survey of a Decade of Progress. FPL 2003: 1062-1066
5EEJohan Andersson, Geoff Bache, Peter Sutton: XP with Acceptance-Test Driven Development: A Rewrite Project for a Resource Optimization System. XP 2003: 180-188
4EEAnup Kumar Raghavan, Peter Sutton: JPG - A Partial Bitstream Generation Tool to Support Partial Reconfiguration in Virtex FPGAs. IPDPS 2002
3EEPeter Sutton, Rhys Arkins, Bill Segall: Supporting Disconnectedness-Transparent Information Delivery for Mobile and Invisible Computing. CCGRID 2001: 277-287
2EEMichael Docherty, Peter Sutton, Margot Brereton, Simon M. Kaplan: An innovative design and studio-based CS degree. SIGCSE 2001: 233-237
1EEMichael Docherty, Peter Sutton, Margot Brereton, Simon M. Kaplan, Allison Brown: The information environments program - a new design based IT degree. ACSE 2000: 64-70

Coauthor Index

1Johan Andersson [5]
2Rhys Arkins [3]
3Geoff Bache [5]
4Margot Brereton [1] [2]
5Allison Brown [1]
6Michael Docherty [1] [2]
7Jadwiga Indulska [8] [12]
8Simon M. Kaplan [1] [2]
9Philip Machanick [13] [14]
10Marius Portmann [12]
11Anup Kumar Raghavan [4]
12Montserrat Ros [7] [9] [10] [11]
13Bill Segall [3]
14John Shield [13] [14]
15Ryan Wishart [12]
16Jihan Zhu [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)