
Margot Brereton

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16EEClint Heyer, Margot Brereton, Stephen Viller: Cross-channel mobile social software: an empirical study. CHI 2008: 1525-1534
15EEAnn Judith Morrison, Peta Mitchell, Margot Brereton: The lens of ludic engagement: evaluating participation in interactive art installations. ACM Multimedia 2007: 509-512
14EEAnn Judith Morrison, Margot Brereton, Peta Mitchell: Talk2Me: engaging interactive installation environments. Creativity & Cognition 2007: 292
13EEFiona Redhead, Margot Brereton: A qualitative analysis of local community communications. OZCHI 2006: 361-364
12EEClint Heyer, Margot Brereton: Socialising across channels: group multichannel communication. OZCHI 2006: 421-424
11EETim Cederman-Haysom, Margot Brereton: A participatory design agenda for ubiquitous computing and multimodal interaction: a case study of dental practice. PDC 2006: 11-20
10EEDuan Varan, Andrew Turk, Sam Bucolo, Debra Polson, Margot Brereton, Jared Donovan, Kim Montgomery, Gael McIndoe: Interactive lounge: an interdisciplinary approach to the design of a gestural interaction device. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 10(2-3): 166-169 (2006)
9EEJackie Moyes, Jacob Buur, Caroline Jarrett, Pelle Ehn, Steven Howard, Margot Brereton: Book smarts meet street smarts: the best of both worlds. OZCHI 2005
8EEWendy Ju, Margot Brereton, Michael Haller, Amanda J. Parkes, Scott R. Klemmer, Brian Lee, Dan Rosenfeld: Trading design spaces: exchanging ideas on physical design environments. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1582-1583
7EEMargot Brereton, Jared Donovan, Stephen Viller: Talking about watching: Using the Video Card Game and wiki-web technology to engage IT students in developing observational skills. ACE 2003: 197-205
6EEMargot Brereton, Nicola J. Bidwell, Jared Donovan, Brett Campbell, Jacob Buur: Work at Hand: An Exploration of Gesture in the Context of Work and Everyday Life to Inform the Design of Gestural Input Devices. AUIC 2003: 1-10
5EEMargot Brereton: Drawing Lessons in the Design of Tangible Media from a Study of Interactions with Mechanical Products. AUIC 2001: 124-131
4EEMichael Docherty, Peter Sutton, Margot Brereton, Simon M. Kaplan: An innovative design and studio-based CS degree. SIGCSE 2001: 233-237
3EEMichael Docherty, Peter Sutton, Margot Brereton, Simon M. Kaplan, Allison Brown: The information environments program - a new design based IT degree. ACSE 2000: 64-70
2EEMargot Brereton, Ben McGarry: An observational study of how objects support engineering design thinking and communication: implications for the design of tangible media. CHI 2000: 217-224
1EEBen McGarry, Ben Matthews, Margot Brereton: Reflections on a candidate design of the user-interface for a wireless vital-signs monitor. Designing Augmented Reality Environments 2000: 33-40

Coauthor Index

1Nicola J. Bidwell [6]
2Allison Brown [3]
3Sam Bucolo [10]
4Jacob Buur [6] [9]
5Brett Campbell [6]
6Tim Cederman-Haysom [11]
7Michael Docherty [3] [4]
8Jared Donovan [6] [7] [10]
9Pelle Ehn [9]
10Michael Haller [8]
11Clint Heyer [12] [16]
12Steven Howard [9]
13Caroline Jarrett [9]
14Wendy Ju [8]
15Simon M. Kaplan [3] [4]
16Scott R. Klemmer [8]
17Brian Lee [8]
18Ben Matthews [1]
19Ben McGarry [1] [2]
20Gael McIndoe [10]
21Peta Mitchell [14] [15]
22Kim Montgomery [10]
23Ann Judith Morrison [14] [15]
24Jackie Moyes [9]
25Amanda J. Parkes [8]
26Debra Polson [10]
27Fiona Redhead [13]
28Dan Rosenfeld [8]
29Peter Sutton [3] [4]
30Andrew Turk [10]
31Duan Varan [10]
32Stephen Viller [7] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)