
Riku Suomela

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15EEJanne Lautamäki, Riku Suomela: Using player proximity in mobile multiplayer games: experiences from Sandman. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 248-251
14EEElina M. I. Ollila, Riku Suomela, Jussi Holopainen: Using prototypes in early pervasive game development. Computers in Entertainment 6(2): (2008)
13EERiku Suomela, Ari Koivisto: My Photos Are My Bullets - Using Camera as the Primary Means of Player-to-Player Interaction in a Mobile Multiplayer Game. ICEC 2006: 250-261
12EEJaana Leikas, Hanna Strömberg, Veikko Ikonen, Riku Suomela, Juhani Heinilä: Multi-User Mobile Applications and a Public Display: Novel Ways for Social Interaction. PerCom 2006: 66-70
11EEHanna Strömberg, Jaana Leikas, Riku Suomela, Veikko Ikonen, Juhani Heinilä: Multiplayer Gaming with Mobile Phones - Enhancing User Experience with a Public Screen. INTETAIN 2005: 183-192
10EEMejdi Trimeche, Riku Suomela, Antti Aaltonen, Gaëtan Lorho, Tai Dossaji, Tomi Aarnio, Samuli Tuoriniemi: Enhancing end-user experience in a multi-device ecosystem. MUM 2005: 19-25
9EERiku Suomela, Eero Räsänen, Ari Koivisto, Jouka Mattila: Open-Source Game Development with the Multi-user Publishing Environment (MUPE) Application Platform. ICEC 2004: 308-320
8EERiku Suomela, Juha Lehikoinen: Taxonomy for visualizing location-based information. Virtual Reality 8(2): 71-82 (2004)
7EERiku Suomela, Kimmo Roimela, Juha Lehikoinen: The evolution of perspective view in WalkMap. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 7(5): 249-262 (2003)
6EERiku Suomela, Jouka Mattila, Eero Räsänen, Timo Koskinen: Augmented Reality for a Casual User: Designing Tools for Interaction with the Virtual World. CGDC Conf. 2002
5EEJuha Lehikoinen, Riku Suomela: Perspective Map. ISWC 2002: 171-178
4EEJuha Lehikoinen, Riku Suomela: Accessing Context in Wearable Computers. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 6(1): 64-74 (2002)
3EERiku Suomela, Juha Lehikoinen, Ilkka Salminen: A System for Evaluating Augmented Reality User Interfaces in Wearable Computers. ISWC 2001: 77-84
2EERiku Suomela, Juha Lehikoinen: Context Compass. ISWC 2000: 147-154
1EEFarzin Mokhtarian, Riku Suomela: Robust Image Corner Detection Through Curvature Scale Space. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 20(12): 1376-1381 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Antti Aaltonen [10]
2Tomi Aarnio [10]
3Tai Dossaji [10]
4Juhani Heinilä [11] [12]
5Jussi Holopainen [14]
6Veikko Ikonen [11] [12]
7Ari Koivisto [9] [13]
8Timo Koskinen [6]
9Janne Lautamäki [15]
10Juha Lehikoinen [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
11Jaana Leikas [11] [12]
12Gaëtan Lorho [10]
13Jouka Mattila [6] [9]
14Farzin Mokhtarian [1]
15Elina M. I. Ollila [14]
16Eero Räsänen [6] [9]
17Kimmo Roimela [7]
18Ilkka Salminen [3]
19Hanna Strömberg [11] [12]
20Mejdi Trimeche [10]
21Samuli Tuoriniemi [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)