
Veikko Ikonen

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8EEVeikko Ikonen: Scenario-Based Design as an Approach to Enhance User Involvement and Innovation. HCI (5) 2007: 164-173
7EEVeikko Ikonen, Eija Kaasinen: Ethical Assessment in the Design of Ambient Assisted Living. ssisted Living Systems - Models, Architectures and Engineering Approaches 2007
6EEJaana Leikas, Hanna Strömberg, Veikko Ikonen, Riku Suomela, Juhani Heinilä: Multi-User Mobile Applications and a Public Display: Novel Ways for Social Interaction. PerCom 2006: 66-70
5EEVeikko Ikonen, Marketta Niemelä, Eija Kaasinen: Scenario-Based Design of Ambient Intelligence. UCS 2006: 57-72
4EEHanna Strömberg, Jaana Leikas, Riku Suomela, Veikko Ikonen, Juhani Heinilä: Multiplayer Gaming with Mobile Phones - Enhancing User Experience with a Public Screen. INTETAIN 2005: 183-192
3EEHanna Strömberg, Valtteri Pirttilä, Veikko Ikonen: Interactive scenarios-building ubiquitous computing concepts in the spirit of participatory design. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 8(3-4): 200-207 (2004)
2 Veikko Ikonen, Raisa Suihkonen, Katarina Jalonen, Ismo Laitakari, Arrtu Salovaara: Developing Personal Navigation Products for Professionals - A Methodological Perspective. IWIPS 2003: 115-
1EEOlli Sotamaa, Veikko Ikonen: Picturing the Future Personal Navigation Products and Services by Means of Scenarios. Mobile Data Management 2003: 391-395

Coauthor Index

1Juhani Heinilä [4] [6]
2Katarina Jalonen [2]
3Eija Kaasinen [5] [7]
4Ismo Laitakari [2]
5Jaana Leikas [4] [6]
6Marketta Niemelä [5]
7Valtteri Pirttilä [3]
8Arrtu Salovaara [2]
9Olli Sotamaa [1]
10Hanna Strömberg [3] [4] [6]
11Raisa Suihkonen [2]
12Riku Suomela [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)