
Robert Strzodka

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14EENicolas Cuntz, Andreas Kolb, Robert Strzodka, Daniel Weiskopf: Particle Level Set Advection for the Interactive Visualization of Unsteady 3D Flow. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(3): 719-726 (2008)
13EEDominik Göddeke, Robert Strzodka, Stefan Turek: Performance and accuracy of hardware-oriented native-, emulated- and mixed-precision solvers in FEM simulations. IJPEDS 22(4): 221-256 (2007)
12EEDominik Göddeke, Robert Strzodka, Jamaludin Mohd-Yusof, Patrick S. McCormick, Sven H. M. Buijssen, Matthias Grajewski, Stefan Turek: Exploring weak scalability for FEM calculations on a GPU-enhanced cluster. Parallel Computing 33(10-11): 685-699 (2007)
11EERobert Strzodka, Dominik Göddeke: Pipelined Mixed Precision Algorithms on FPGAs for Fast and Accurate PDE Solvers from Low Precision Components. FCCM 2006: 259-270
10EEAaron E. Lefohn, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Joe Kniss, Robert Strzodka, John D. Owens: Glift: Generic, efficient, random-access GPU data structures. ACM Trans. Graph. 25(1): 60-99 (2006)
9EEAaron E. Lefohn, Ian Buck, Patrick S. McCormick, John D. Owens, Timothy J. Purcell, Robert Strzodka: General Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware. IEEE Visualization 2005: 121
8EERobert Strzodka, Michael C. Doggett, Andreas Kolb: Scientific computation for simulations on programmable graphics hardware. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 13(8): 667-680 (2005)
7EERobert Strzodka, Christoph S. Garbe: Real-Time Motion Estimation and Visualization on Graphics Cards. IEEE Visualization 2004: 545-552
6 Robert Strzodka, Alexandru Telea: Generalized Distance Transforms and Skeletons in Graphics Hardware. VisSym 2004: 221-230
5EERobert Strzodka, Marc Droske, Martin Rumpf: Image Registration by a Regularized Gradient Flow. A Streaming Implementation in DX9 Graphics Hardware. Computing 73(4): 373-389 (2004)
4EERobert Strzodka, Ivo Ihrke, Marcus A. Magnor: A graphics hardware implementation of the generalized Hough transform for fast object recognition, scale, and 3D pose detection. ICIAP 2003: 188-193
3 Robert Strzodka: Virtual 16 Bit Precise Operations an RGBA8 Textures. VMV 2002: 171-178
2EEMartin Rumpf, Robert Strzodka: Level set segmentation in graphics hardware. ICIP (3) 2001: 1103-1106
1 Martin Rumpf, Robert Strzodka: Using Graphics Cards for Quantized FEM Computations. VIIP 2001: 193-202

Coauthor Index

1Ian Buck [9]
2Sven H. M. Buijssen [12]
3Nicolas Cuntz [14]
4Michael C. Doggett [8]
5Marc Droske [5]
6Christoph S. Garbe [7]
7Dominik Göddeke [11] [12] [13]
8Matthias Grajewski [12]
9Ivo Ihrke [4]
10Joe Michael Kniss (Joe Kniss) [10]
11Andreas Kolb [8] [14]
12Aaron E. Lefohn [9] [10]
13Marcus A. Magnor [4]
14Patrick S. McCormick [9] [12]
15Jamaludin Mohd-Yusof [12]
16John D. Owens [9] [10]
17Timothy J. Purcell [9]
18Martin Rumpf [1] [2] [5]
19Shubhabrata Sengupta [10]
20Alexandru Telea [6]
21Stefan Turek [12] [13]
22Daniel Weiskopf [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)