
Yun S. Song

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13EERune B. Lyngsø, Yun S. Song, Jotun Hein: Accurate Computation of Likelihoods in the Coalescent with Recombination Via Parsimony. RECOMB 2008: 463-477
12EEZhihong Ding, Thomas Mailund, Yun S. Song: Efficient whole-genome association mapping using local phylogenies for unphased genotype data. Bioinformatics 24(19): 2215-2221 (2008)
11EEDan Gusfield, Vikas Bansal, Vineet Bafna, Yun S. Song: A Decomposition Theory for Phylogenetic Networks and Incompatible Characters. Journal of Computational Biology 14(10): 1247-1272 (2007)
10EEYun S. Song, Zhihong Ding, Dan Gusfield, Charles H. Langley, Yufeng Wu: Algorithms to Distinguish the Role of Gene-Conversion from Single-Crossover Recombination in the Derivation of SNP Sequences in Populations. Journal of Computational Biology 14(10): 1273-1286 (2007)
9EEYun S. Song, Zhihong Ding, Dan Gusfield, Charles H. Langley, Yufeng Wu: Algorithms to Distinguish the Role of Gene-Conversion from Single-Crossover Recombination in the Derivation of SNP Sequences in Populations. RECOMB 2006: 231-245
8EEYun S. Song: A Concise Necessary and Sufficient Condition for the Existence of a Galled-Tree. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 3(2): 186-191 (2006)
7EEYun S. Song, Rune B. Lyngsø, Jotun Hein: Counting All Possible Ancestral Configurations of Sample Sequences in Population Genetics. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 3(3): 239-251 (2006)
6EEYun S. Song, Yufeng Wu, Dan Gusfield: Efficient computation of close lower and upper bounds on the minimum number of recombinations in biological sequence evolution. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2005: 413-422
5EEYun S. Song, Yufeng Wu, Dan Gusfield: Algorithms for Imperfect Phylogeny Haplotyping (IPPH) with a Single Homoplasy or Recombination Event. WABI 2005: 152-164
4EERune B. Lyngsø, Yun S. Song, Jotun Hein: Minimum Recombination Histories by Branch and Bound. WABI 2005: 239-250
3EEYun S. Song, Jotun Hein: Constructing Minimal Ancestral Recombination Graphs. Journal of Computational Biology 12(2): 147-169 (2005)
2EEYun S. Song, Jotun Hein: Parsimonious Reconstruction of Sequence Evolution and Haplotype Blocks. WABI 2003: 287-302
1EEGerton Lunter, István Miklós, Yun S. Song, Jotun Hein: An Efficient Algorithm for Statistical Multiple Alignment on Arbitrary Phylogenetic Trees. Journal of Computational Biology 10(6): 869-889 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Vineet Bafna [11]
2Vikas Bansal [11]
3Zhihong Ding [9] [10] [12]
4Dan Gusfield [5] [6] [9] [10] [11]
5Jotun Hein [1] [2] [3] [4] [7] [13]
6Charles H. Langley [9] [10]
7Gerton Lunter [1]
8Rune B. Lyngsø [4] [7] [13]
9Thomas Mailund [12]
10István Miklós [1]
11Yufeng Wu [5] [6] [9] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)