
István Miklós

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14EEIstván Miklós: Statistical Multiple Alignment. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
13EEÁdám Novák, István Miklós, Rune B. Lyngsø, Jotun Hein: StatAlign: an extendable software package for joint Bayesian estimation of alignments and evolutionary trees. Bioinformatics 24(20): 2403-2404 (2008)
12EEMiklós Csürös, István Miklós: A Probabilistic Model for Gene Content Evolution with Duplication, Loss, and Horizontal Transfer. RECOMB 2006: 206-220
11EEIstván Miklós, Timothy Brooks Paige, Péter Ligeti: Efficient Sampling of Transpositions and Inverted Transpositions for Bayesian MCMC. WABI 2006: 174-185
10EEIstván Miklós, Irmtraud M. Meyer: A linear memory algorithm for Baum-Welch training. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 231 (2005)
9EEGerton Lunter, István Miklós, Alexei Drummond, Jens Ledet Jensen, Jotun Hein: Bayesian coestimation of phylogeny and sequence alignment. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 83 (2005)
8EEIstván Miklós, Péter Ittzés, Jotun Hein: ParIS Genome Rearrangement server. Bioinformatics 21(6): 817-820 (2005)
7EEIstván Miklós, Irmtraud M. Meyer: A linear memory algorithm for Baum-Welch training CoRR abs/cs/0505028: (2005)
6EEIstván Miklós, Jotun Hein: Genome Rearrangement in Mitochondria and Its Computational Biology. Comparative Genomics 2004: 85-96
5 István Miklós: MCMC genome rearrangement. ECCB 2003: 130-137
4EEGerton Lunter, István Miklós, Alexei Drummond, Jens Ledet Jensen, Jotun Hein: Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference under a Statistical Insertion-Deletion Model. WABI 2003: 228-244
3 István Miklós: Algorithm for statistical alignment of two sequences derived from a Poisson sequence length distribution. Discrete Applied Mathematics 127(1): 79-84 (2003)
2EEGerton Lunter, István Miklós, Yun S. Song, Jotun Hein: An Efficient Algorithm for Statistical Multiple Alignment on Arbitrary Phylogenetic Trees. Journal of Computational Biology 10(6): 869-889 (2003)
1EEIstván Miklós, Zoltán Toroczkai: An Improved Model for Statistical Alignment. WABI 2001: 1-10

Coauthor Index

1Miklós Csürös [12]
2Alexei Drummond [4] [9]
3Jotun Hein [2] [4] [6] [8] [9] [13]
4Péter Ittzés [8]
5Jens Ledet Jensen [4] [9]
6Péter Ligeti [11]
7Gerton Lunter [2] [4] [9]
8Rune B. Lyngsø [13]
9Irmtraud M. Meyer [7] [10]
10Ádám Novák [13]
11Timothy Brooks Paige [11]
12Yun S. Song [2]
13Zoltán Toroczkai [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)