Volume 56
Volume 56,
Number 1,
February 1998
- Seymour Ginsburg, Xiaoyang Sean Wang:
Regular Sequence Operations and Their Use in Database Queries.
1-26 BibTeX
- Giorgio Satta:
Trading Independent for Synchronized Parallelism in Finite Copying Parallel Rewriting Systems.
27-45 BibTeX
- Andreas Weber:
Transforming a Single-Valued Transducer Into a Mealy Machine.
46-59 BibTeX
- Giovanni Manzini, Luciano Margara:
Invertible Linear Cellular Automata over Zm: Algorithmic and Dynamical Aspects.
60-67 BibTeX
- Rajeev Rastogi, Sharad Mehrotra, Yuri Breitbart, Henry F. Korth, Abraham Silberschatz:
On Correctness of Nonserializable Executions.
68-82 BibTeX
- Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Shibu Yooseph:
TAL Recognition in O(M(n»)) Time.
83-89 BibTeX
- Pavol Duris, José D. P. Rolim:
Lower Bounds on the Multiparty Communication Complexity.
90-95 BibTeX
- Richard E. Ladner, Anthony LaMarca, Ewan D. Tempero:
Counting Protocols for Reliable End-to-End Transmission.
96-111 BibTeX
- Daoud Bshouty, Nader H. Bshouty:
On Interpolating Arithmetic Read-Once Formulas with Exponentiation.
112-124 BibTeX
- Juha Kortelainen:
Remarks about Commutative Context-Free Languages.
125-129 BibTeX
Volume 56,
Number 2,
April 1998
Eighth Annual Workshop on Computational Learning Theory (COLT),
July 5-8,
- Dana Ron, Yoram Singer, Naftali Tishby:
On the Learnability and Usage of Acyclic Probabilistic Finite Automata.
133-152 BibTeX
- V. G. Vovk:
A Game of Prediction with Expert Advice.
153-173 BibTeX
- Peter L. Bartlett, Philip M. Long:
Prediction, Learning, Uniform Convergence, and Scale-Sensitive Dimensions.
174-190 BibTeX
- Javed A. Aslam, Scott E. Decatur:
Specification and Simulation of Statistical Query Algorithms for Efficiency and Noise Tolerance.
191-208 BibTeX
- Avrim Blum, Prasad Chalasani, Sally A. Goldman, Donna K. Slonim:
Learning with Unreliable Boundary Queries.
209-222 BibTeX
- Jeong Han Kim, James R. Roche:
Covering Cubes by Random Half Cubes with Applications to Binary Neural Networks.
223-252 BibTeX
Volume 56,
Number 3,
June 1998
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:08:14 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)