
Kenji Shimada

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43EESoji Yamakawa, Kenji Shimada: Converting a tetrahedral mesh to a prism-tetrahedral hybrid mesh for FEM accuracy and efficiency. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2008: 287-294
42EEMyung-Soo Kim, Kenji Shimada: Geometric Modeling and Processing 2006. Computer Aided Geometric Design 24(6): 309 (2007)
41EEMichael R. Rossi, Daigo Tanaka, Kenji Shimada, Yoed Rabin: An efficient numerical technique for bioheat simulations and its application to computerized cryosurgery planning. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 85(1): 41-50 (2007)
40EEMyung-Soo Kim, Kenji Shimada: Geometric modeling and processing 2006. Computer-Aided Design 39(5): 341 (2007)
39EEArbtip Dheeravongkit, Kenji Shimada: Inverse adaptation of a Hex-dominant mesh for large deformation finite element analysis. Computer-Aided Design 39(5): 427-438 (2007)
38EELevent Burak Kara, Kenji Shimada, Sarah D. Marmalefsky: An evaluation of user experience with a sketch-based 3D modeling system. Computers & Graphics 31(4): 580-597 (2007)
37EELevent Burak Kara, Kenji Shimada: Sketch-Based 3D-Shape Creation for Industrial Styling Design. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(1): 60-71 (2007)
36 Myung-Soo Kim, Kenji Shimada: Geometric Modeling and Processing - GMP 2006, 4th International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, July 26-28, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
35EEArbtip Dheeravongkit, Kenji Shimada: Inverse Adaptation of Hex-dominant Mesh for Large Deformation Finite Element Analysis. GMP 2006: 189-206
34EELevent Burak Kara, Chris M. D'Eramo, Kenji Shimada: Pen-based styling design of 3D geometry using concept sketches and template models. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2006: 149-160
33EESoji Yamakawa, Charles Shaw, Kenji Shimada: Layered tetrahedral meshing of thin-walled solids for plastic injection molding FEM. Computer-Aided Design 38(4): 315-326 (2006)
32EEShigeo Takahashi, Kenichi Yoshida, Kenji Shimada, Tomoyuki Nishita: Occlusion-Free Animation of Driving Routes for Car Navigation Systems. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(5): 1141-1148 (2006)
31EESoji Yamakawa, Kenji Shimada: Polygon Crawling: Feature-Edge Extraction from a General Polygonal Surface for Mesh Generation. IMR 2005: 257-274
30EEWilliam Roshan Quadros, Ved Vyas, Michael L. Brewer, Steven J. Owen, Kenji Shimada: A Computational Framework for Generating Sizing Function in Assembly Meshing. IMR 2005: 55-72
29EESoji Yamakawa, Charles Shaw, Kenji Shimada: Layered tetrahedral meshing of thin-walled solids for plastic injection molding FEM. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2005: 245-255
28EEMiguel Vieira, Kenji Shimada: Surface mesh segmentation and smooth surface extraction through region growing. Computer Aided Geometric Design 22(8): 771-792 (2005)
27EELeslie Gennari, Levent Burak Kara, Thomas F. Stahovich, Kenji Shimada: Combining geometry and domain knowledge to interpret hand-drawn diagrams. Computers & Graphics 29(4): 547-562 (2005)
26 Murat Gunay, Kenji Shimada: Three-dimensional bone shape reconstruction from X-ray images using hierarchical free-form deformation and nonlinear optimization. CARS 2004: 1291
25EESoji Yamakawa, Kenji Shimada: Triangular/Quadrilateral Remeshing of an Arbitrary Polygonal Surface via Packing Bubbles. GMP 2004: 153-162
24EEWilliam Roshan Quadros, Steven J. Owen, Michael L. Brewer, Kenji Shimada: Finite Element Mesh Sizing for Surfaces Using Skeleton. IMR 2004: 389-400
23EEArbtip Dheeravongkit, Kenji Shimada: Inverse Pre-Deformation of Finite Element Mesh for Large Deformation Analysis. IMR 2004: 81-94
22EEWilliam Roshan Quadros, Kenji Shimada, Steven J. Owen: Skeleton-based computational method for the generation of a 3D finite element mesh sizing function. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 20(3): 249-264 (2004)
21EESoji Yamakawa, Kenji Shimada: Increasing the Number and Volume of Hexahedral and Prism Elements in a Hex-Dominant Mesh by Topological Transformations. IMR 2003: 403-413
20EETakayuki Itoh, Kazunori Miyata, Kenji Shimada: Generating Organic Textures with Controlled Anisotropy and Directionality. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(3): 38-45 (2003)
19EESoji Yamakawa, Kenji Shimada: Hex-Dominant Mesh Generation with Directionality Control via Packing Rectangular Solid Cells. GMP 2002: 107-118
18EEWilliam Roshan Quadros, Kenji Shimada: Hex-Layer: Layered All-Hex Mesh Generation on Thin Section Solids via Chordal Surface Transformation. IMR 2002: 169-180
17EESoji Yamakawa, Kenji Shimada: HEXHOOP: Modular Templates for Converting a Hex-Dominant Mesh to an ALL-Hex Mesh. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 18(3): 211-228 (2002)
16EEKenji Shimada: The 8th International Meshing Roundtable Special Issue: Advances in Mesh Generation. Computer-Aided Design 33(3): 197 (2001)
15EEKeisuke Inoue, Takayuki Itoh, Atsushi Yamada, Tomotake Furuhata, Kenji Shimada: Face clustering of a large-scale CAD model for surface mesh generation. Computer-Aided Design 33(3): 251-261 (2001)
14EEAtsushi Yamada, Keisuke Inoue, Takayuki Itoh, Kenji Shimada: An Approach for Generating Meshes Similar to A Reference Mesh. IMR 2000: 101-109
13EENaveen Viswanath, Kenji Shimada, Takayuki Itoh: Quadrilateral Meshing with Anisotropy and Directionality Control via Close Packing of Rectangular Cells. IMR 2000: 227-238
12EESoji Yamakawa, Kenji Shimada: High Quality Anisotropic Tetrahedral Mesh Generation Via Ellipsoidal Bubble Packing. IMR 2000: 263-274
11EETian Zhou, Kenji Shimada: An Angle-Based Approach to Two-Dimensional Mesh Smoothing. IMR 2000: 373-384
10EEShingo Takeuchi, Hiromasa Suzuki, Fumihiko Kimura, Takashi Kanai, Kenji Shimada: Subdivision Surface Fitting Using QEM-Based Mesh Simplification and Reconstruction of Approximated B-Spline Surfaces. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2000: 202-212
9 Kenji Shimada, Atsushi Yamada, Takayuki Itoh: Anisotropic Triangulation of Parametric Surfaces via Close Packing of Ellipsoids. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 10(4): 417-440 (2000)
8EEKeisuke Inoue, Takayuki Itoh, Atsushi Yamada, Tomotake Furuhata, Kenji Shimada: Clustering Large Number of Faces for 2-Dimensional Mesh Generation. IMR 1999: 281-292
7EEAtsushi Yamada, Tomotake Furuhata, Kenji Shimada, Ko-Hsiu Hou: A Discrete Spring Model for Generating Fair Curves and Surfaces. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 1999: 270-279
6EEKenji Shimada, Jia-Huei Liao, Takayuki Itoh: Quadrilateral Meshing with Directionality Control through the Packing of Square Cells. IMR 1998: 61-75
5EETakayuki Itoh, Kenji Shimada, Keisuke Inoue, Atsushi Yamada, Tomotake Furuhata: Automated Conversion of 2D Triangular Mesh into Quadrilateral Mesh with Directionality Control. IMR 1998: 77-86
4EEKenji Shimada, David C. Gossard: Automatic triangular mesh generation of trimmed parametric surfaces for finite element analysis. Computer Aided Geometric Design 15(3): 199-222 (1998)
3EEKenji Shimada, David C. Gossard: Bubble mesh: automated triangular meshing of non-manifold geometry by sphere packing. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1995: 409-419
2 Kenji Shimada, Barbara Balents, David C. Gossard: Automatic Mesh reconstruction for feature-absed sculpting of deformable surfaces. Geometric Modeling 1992: 165-188
1 Kenji Shimada, David C. Gossard: Computational Methods for Physically-based FE Mesh Generation. PROLAMAT 1992: 411-420

Coauthor Index

1Barbara Balents [2]
2Michael L. Brewer [24] [30]
3Chris M. D'Eramo [34]
4Arbtip Dheeravongkit [23] [35] [39]
5Tomotake Furuhata [5] [7] [8] [15]
6Leslie Gennari [27]
7David C. Gossard [1] [2] [3] [4]
8Murat Gunay [26]
9Ko-Hsiu Hou [7]
10Keisuke Inoue [5] [8] [14] [15]
11Takayuki Itoh [5] [6] [8] [9] [13] [14] [15] [20]
12Takashi Kanai [10]
13Levent Burak Kara [27] [34] [37] [38]
14Myung-Soo Kim [36] [40] [42]
15Fumihiko Kimura [10]
16Jia-Huei Liao [6]
17Sarah D. Marmalefsky [38]
18Kazunori Miyata [20]
19Tomoyuki Nishita [32]
20Steven J. Owen [22] [24] [30]
21William Roshan Quadros [18] [22] [24] [30]
22Yoed Rabin [41]
23Michael R. Rossi [41]
24Charles Shaw [29] [33]
25Thomas F. Stahovich [27]
26Hiromasa Suzuki [10]
27Shigeo Takahashi [32]
28Shingo Takeuchi [10]
29Daigo Tanaka [41]
30Miguel Vieira [28]
31Naveen Viswanath [13]
32Ved Vyas [30]
33Atsushi Yamada [5] [7] [8] [9] [14] [15]
34Soji Yamakawa [12] [17] [19] [21] [25] [29] [31] [33] [43]
35Kenichi Yoshida [32]
36Tian Zhou [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)