
A. Schubert

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4EEA. Schubert: Detection and Tracking of Facial Features in Real Time Using a Synergistic Approach of Spatio-Temporal Models and Generalized Hough-Transform Techniques. FG 2000: 116-121
3EEA. Schubert, Walter Anheier: On Random Pattern Testability of Cryptographic VLSI Cores. J. Electronic Testing 16(3): 185-192 (2000)
2 A. Schubert, Ernst D. Dickmanns: Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmus zur Vermessung der 3D-Kopfposition und der Blickrichtung eines Menschen. DAGM-Symposium 1999: 130-137
1 A. Schubert, Renate Merker, H. Schreiber: Systematic Generation of a Variety of Processor Arrays. Parcella 1994: 267-276

Coauthor Index

1Walter Anheier [3]
2Ernst D. Dickmanns [2]
3Renate Merker [1]
4H. Schreiber [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)