
Oliver Schneider

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8EEIngo Lange, Oliver Schneider, Matthias Schnetzler, Lee Jones: Understanding the Interdependences Among Performance Indicators in the Domain of Industrial Services. APMS 2007: 379-386
7EEPeter Osadsky, Amit Garg, Bogdan Nitu, Oliver Schneider, Stefan Schleyer: Improving Service Operation Performance by a Cross-Industry Reference Model. APMS 2007: 397-404
6 Stefan Göbel, Ulrike Spierling, Anja Hoffmann, Ido Iurgel, Oliver Schneider, Johanna Dechau, Axel Feix: Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, Second International Conference, TIDSE 2004, Darmstadt, Germany, June 24-26, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
5EEOliver Schneider, Stefan Göbel, Christian Meyer zu Ermgassen: Media Art Environment Geist: Integrating Traditional Painting into 3D AR Storytelling Scenario. TIDSE 2004: 164-170
4EEStefan Göbel, Oliver Schneider, Ido Iurgel, Axel Feix, Christian Knöpfle, Alexander Rettig: Virtual Human: Storytelling and Computer Graphics for a Virtual Human Platform. TIDSE 2004: 79-88
3EEOliver Schneider, Norbert Braun, G. Habinger: Storylining Suspense - An Authoring Environment for Structuring Non-linear Interactive Narratives. WSCG 2003
2EEOliver Schneider: Storyworld Creation: Authoring For Interactive Storytelling. WSCG 2002: 405-412
1 Norbert Braun, Oliver Schneider: Conversation Modeling as an Abstract User Interface Component. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2001: 1223-1230

Coauthor Index

1Norbert Braun [1] [3]
2Johanna Dechau [6]
3Christian Meyer zu Ermgassen [5]
4Axel Feix [4] [6]
5Amit Garg [7]
6Stefan Göbel [4] [5] [6]
7G. Habinger [3]
8Anja Hoffmann [6]
9Ido Iurgel (Ido Aharon Iurgel) [4] [6]
10Lee Jones [8]
11Christian Knöpfle [4]
12Ingo Lange [8]
13Bogdan Nitu [7]
14Peter Osadsky [7]
15Alexander Rettig [4]
16Stefan Schleyer [7]
17Matthias Schnetzler [8]
18Ulrike Spierling [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)