
Amit Garg

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5EEPeter Osadsky, Amit Garg, Bogdan Nitu, Oliver Schneider, Stefan Schleyer: Improving Service Operation Performance by a Cross-Industry Reference Model. APMS 2007: 397-404
4EEAmit Garg, Gerhard Gudergaan: Need to Develop Best Practices for Business Related Services (BRS). APMS 2006: 475-483
3 André Quadt, Heiko Dirlenbach, Amit Garg, Martin Weidemann, Volker Stich: Knowledge Based Virtual Communities for Mobile and Collaborative Work in European Vehicle Repair Networks. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2004: 349-358
2 Philipp Schiegg, António Lucas Soares, Amit Garg, Robert Roesgen, Volker Stich: Configuring Consumer-Demand Driven Supply Networks. PRO-VE 2003: 475-482
1EEYoung-ri Choi, Amit Garg, Siddhartha Rai, Jayadev Misra, Harrick M. Vin: Orchestrating Computations on the World-Wide Web. Euro-Par 2002: 1-20

Coauthor Index

1Young-ri Choi [1]
2Heiko Dirlenbach [3]
3Gerhard Gudergaan [4]
4Jayadev Misra [1]
5Bogdan Nitu [5]
6Peter Osadsky [5]
7André Quadt [3]
8Siddhartha Rai [1]
9Robert Roesgen [2]
10Philipp Schiegg [2]
11Stefan Schleyer [5]
12Oliver Schneider [5]
13António Lucas Soares [2]
14Volker Stich [2] [3]
15Harrick M. Vin [1]
16Martin Weidemann [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)