
Alexander Rettig

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3EEUli Bockholt, Timm Drevensek, Albert Schäffer, Alexander Bisler, Alexander Rettig, Michael Kramer: Simulation zu Stimulation von Kopfbewegungen zur VR gestützter Schleudertraumatherapie. SimVis 2006: 49-62
2EEStefan Göbel, Oliver Schneider, Ido Iurgel, Axel Feix, Christian Knöpfle, Alexander Rettig: Virtual Human: Storytelling and Computer Graphics for a Virtual Human Platform. TIDSE 2004: 79-88
1EEJose Dionisio, Volker Henrich, Udo Jakob, Alexander Rettig, Rolf Ziegler: The virtual touch: Haptic interfaces in virtual environments. Computers & Graphics 21(4): 459-468 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Bisler [3]
2Uli Bockholt [3]
3Jose Dionisio [1]
4Timm Drevensek [3]
5Axel Feix [2]
6Stefan Göbel [2]
7Volker Henrich [1]
8Ido Iurgel (Ido Aharon Iurgel) [2]
9Udo Jakob [1]
10Christian Knöpfle [2]
11Michael Kramer [3]
12Albert Schäffer [3]
13Oliver Schneider [2]
14Rolf Ziegler [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)