
Márcio C. Schneider

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24EERafael L. Radin, Gustavo L. Moreira, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider: A simple modeling of the early voltage of MOSFETs in weak and moderate inversion. ISCAS 2008: 1720-1723
23EEEdgar Mauricio Camacho-Galeano, Juliano Q. Moreira, Maicon D. Pereira, Adilson J. Cardoso, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider: Temperature performance of sub-1V ultra-low power current sources. ISCAS 2008: 2230-2233
22EEHamilton Klimach, Márcio C. Schneider, Carlos Galup-Montoro: An M-2M digital-to-analog converter design methodology based on a physical mismatch model. ISCAS 2008: 2254-2257
21EEHamilton Klimach, Márcio C. Schneider, Carlos Galup-Montoro: A test chip for automatic MOSFET mismatch characterization. SBCCI 2006: 83-88
20EEHamilton Klimach, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider, Alfredo Arnaud: MOSFET Mismatch Modeling: A New Approach. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 23(1): 20-29 (2006)
19EEFathi A. Farag, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider: Inverter-based switched current circuit for very low-voltage and low-power applications. ISCAS (2) 2005: 1413-1416
18EECarlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider, Viriato C. Pahim: Fundamentals of next generation compact MOSFET models. SBCCI 2005: 32-37
17 Edgar Mauricio Camacho-Galeano, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider: Design of an ultra-low-power current source. ISCAS (1) 2004: 333-336
16EERenato Galembeck, Jader A. De Lima, Márcio C. Schneider: A Gm-C bump equalizer for low-voltage low-power applications. ISCAS (1) 2004: 797-800
15 Hamilton Klimach, Alfredo Arnaud, Márcio C. Schneider, Carlos Galup-Montoro: Consistent model for drain current mismatch in MOSFETs using the carrier number fluctuation theory. ISCAS (5) 2004: 113-116
14EEEdgar Mauricio Camacho-Galeano, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider: An ultra-low-power self-biased current reference. SBCCI 2004: 147-150
13EELuiz Alberto P. Melek, Márcio C. Schneider, Carlos Galup-Montoro: Body-bias compensation technique for SubThreshold CMOS static logic gates. SBCCI 2004: 267-272
12EEHamilton Klimach, Alfredo Arnaud, Márcio C. Schneider, Carlos Galup-Montoro: Characterization of MOS transistor current mismatch. SBCCI 2004: 33-38
11EEPatricia Giacomelli, Márcio C. Schneider, Carlos Galup-Montoro: MOSVIEW: A Graphical Tool for MOS Analog Design. MSE 2003: 43-44
10EEV. C. Vincence, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider: A low-voltage CMOS class-AB operational amplifier. ISCAS (3) 2002: 603-606
9EECarlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider, Rafael M. Coitinho: Resizing Rules for MOS Analog-Design Reuse. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 19(2): 50-58 (2002)
8EEL. C. C. Marques, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Sidnei Noceti Filho, Márcio C. Schneider: Switched-MOSFET technique for programmable filters operating at low-voltage supply. ISCAS (1) 2001: 73-76
7EEL. C. C. Marques, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Sidnei Noceti Filho, Márcio C. Schneider: A switched-MOSFET filter for application in hearing aid devices. ISCAS (1) 2001: 77-80
6EERafael M. Coitinho, Luiz H. Spiller, Márcio C. Schneider, Carlos Galup-Montoro: MOSFET Model with a Small Set of Parameters for Electronic Engineering Education. MSE 2001: 10-11
5EECarlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider, Rafael M. Coitinho: Scaling Rules Allow the Reuse of MOS Analog Design. MSE 2001: 8-9
4 William Prodanov, Márcio C. Schneider: Um Schmitt-Trigger Comparador de Corrente Digitalmente Programável. RITA 8(1): 43-61 (2001)
3EEFathi A. Farag, Carlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider: A programmable low voltage switched-current FIR filter. ISCAS (2) 1999: 472-475
2 Ana Isabela Araújo Cunha, S. M. Acosta, Márcio C. Schneider, Carlos Galup-Montoro: An Explicit MOSFET Model for Analog Circuit Simulation. ISCAS 1995: 1592-1595
1 Carlos Galup-Montoro, Márcio C. Schneider, I. J. B. Loss: Low Output Conductance Composite Mosfets for high Frequency Analog Design. ISCAS 1994: 783-786

Coauthor Index

1S. M. Acosta [2]
2Alfredo Arnaud [12] [15] [20]
3Edgar Mauricio Camacho-Galeano [14] [17] [23]
4Adilson J. Cardoso [23]
5Rafael M. Coitinho [5] [6] [9]
6Ana Isabela Araújo Cunha [2]
7Fathi A. Farag [3] [19]
8Sidnei Noceti Filho [7] [8]
9Renato Galembeck [16]
10Carlos Galup-Montoro [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
11Patricia Giacomelli [11]
12Hamilton Klimach [12] [15] [20] [21] [22]
13Jader A. De Lima [16]
14I. J. B. Loss [1]
15L. C. C. Marques [7] [8]
16Luiz Alberto P. Melek [13]
17Gustavo L. Moreira [24]
18Juliano Q. Moreira [23]
19Viriato C. Pahim [18]
20Maicon D. Pereira [23]
21William Prodanov [4]
22Rafael L. Radin [24]
23Luiz H. Spiller [6]
24V. C. Vincence [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)