
Jörg Schneider

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8EEJörg Decker, Jörg Schneider: Heuristic Scheduling of Grid Workflows Supporting Co-Allocation and Advance Reservation. CCGRID 2007: 335-342
7EEVincent Kotzsch, Jörg Schneider, Günther Döring: Reusable Design of Inter-chip Communication Interfaces for Next Generation of Adaptive Computing Systems. ARCS 2005: 167-177
6 Jörg Schneider, Vincent Kotzsch: Wiederverwendungsgerechte Codegenerierung von FEC-Applikationen für dynamisch rekonfigurierbare Systeme. ARCS Workshops 2004: 215-224
5EEJörg Schneider, Vincent Kotzsch, Steffen Rülke: Demonstrator: Reuse Automation for Reconfigurable System-on-Chip Design within a DVB Environment. PARELEC 2004: 177-180
4EEMaik Boden, Jörg Schneider, Klaus Feske, Steffen Rülke: Enhanced Reusability for SoC-Based HW/SW Co-Design. DSD 2002: 94-101
3 Jörg Schneider, Martin Bartosch: Kryptographie-Standards und ihre APIs - Übersicht aus dem Blickwinkel des Anwendungsentwicklers. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 24(7): (2000)
2 Stefan Kirn, Jörg Schneider: STRICT: DAI Knowledge Based Support of the Design of Distributed Production Planning & Control Applications. Wirtschaftsinformatik 35(1): 32-42 (1993)
1 Stefan Kirn, Jörg Schneider, Gunter Schlageter, Günter Fandel: STRICT: Selecting The RIght architeCTure. A Blackboard-Based DAI Advisory System Supporting The Design if Distributed Production Planning & Control Applications. IEA/AIE 1992: 391-400

Coauthor Index

1Martin Bartosch [3]
2Maik Boden [4]
3Jörg Decker [8]
4Günther Döring [7]
5Günter Fandel [1]
6Klaus Feske [4]
7Stefan Kirn [1] [2]
8Vincent Kotzsch [5] [6] [7]
9Steffen Rülke [4] [5]
10Gunter Schlageter [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)