
Patrizia Scandurra

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19EEAngelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra: Exploiting the ASM Method for Validation & Verification of Embedded Systems. ABZ 2008: 348
18EEAlessandro Carioni, Angelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra: A Scenario-Based Validation Language for ASMs. ABZ 2008: 71-84
17EEAngelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra, Alessandro Carioni: Scenario-based Validation of Embedded Systems. FDL 2008: 191-196
16EEAngelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra: Model-Driven Language Engineering: The ASMETA Case Study. ICSEA 2008: 373-378
15 Angelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra: A Metamodel-based Language and a Simulation Engine for Abstract State Machines. J. UCS 14(12): 1949-1983 (2008)
14EESara Bocchio, Elvinia Riccobene, Alberto Rosti, Patrizia Scandurra: A complete SystemC UML profile with dynamic features for behavioral descriptions. FDL 2007: 191-197
13EEAngelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra: Exploiting the ASM method within the Model-driven Engineering paradigm. Rigorous Methods for Software Construction and Analysis 2007
12EESara Bocchio, Elvinia Riccobene, Alberto Rosti, Patrizia Scandurra: Process State Machines for Behavioral Modeling of Embedded Systems. SIES 2007: 274-281
11EEElvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra, Alberto Rosti, Sara Bocchio: A model-driven design environment for embedded systems. DAC 2006: 915-918
10EEElvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra, Sara Bocchio, Alberto Rosti: A Model-driven Co-design Flow for Embedded Systems. FDL 2006: 345-351
9EEWolfgang Mueller, Alberto Rosti, Sara Bocchio, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra, Wim Dehaene, Yves Vanderperren: UML for ESL design: basic principles, tools, and applications. ICCAD 2006: 73-80
8EEPatrizia Scandurra, Angelo Gargantini, Claudia Genovese, Tiziana Genovese, Elvinia Riccobene: A Concrete Syntax Derived From the Abstract State Machine Metamodel. Abstract State Machines 2005: 345-368
7EEElvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra, Alberto Rosti, Sara Bocchio: A SoC Design Methodology Involving a UML 2.0 Profile for SystemC. DATE 2005: 704-709
6EEElvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra, Alberto Rosti, Sara Bocchio: A UML 2.0 profile for SystemC: toward high-level SoC design. EMSOFT 2005: 138-141
5EEElvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra, Alberto Rosti, Sara Bocchio: An HW/SW Co-design Environment based on UML and SystemC. FDL 2005: 515-519
4EEElvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra: Towards an Interchange Language for ASMs. Abstract State Machines 2004: 111-126
3EEElvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra: Modelling SystemC Process Behavior by the UML Method State Machines. RISE 2004: 112-121
2EEAlessandra Cavarra, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra: A framework to simulate UML models: moving from a semi-formal to a formal environment. SAC 2004: 1519-1523
1EEAlessandra Cavarra, Elvinia Riccobene, Patrizia Scandurra: Integrating UML Static and Dynamic Views and Formalizing the Interaction Mechanismof UML State Machines. Abstract State Machines 2003: 229-243

Coauthor Index

1Sara Bocchio [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
2Alessandro Carioni [17] [18]
3Alessandra Cavarra [1] [2]
4Wim Dehaene [9]
5Angelo Gargantini [8] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
6Claudia Genovese [8]
7Tiziana Genovese [8]
8Wolfgang Mueller [9]
9Elvinia Riccobene [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
10Alberto Rosti [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
11Yves Vanderperren [9]

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