
Masayuki Satoh

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3EEYuki Yamagata, Kenichi Ichino, Masayuki Arai, Satoshi Fukumoto, Kazuhiko Iwasaki, Masayuki Satoh, Hiroyuki Itabashi, Takashi Murai, Nobuyuki Otsuka: Implementation of Memory Tester Consisting of SRAM-Based Reconfigurable Cells. Asian Test Symposium 2003: 28-31
2 Yoshiyuki Sakamoto, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Masayuki Satoh: Concept and Structure of Semantic Markers for Machine Translation in Mu-Project. COLING 1986: 13-19
1EEYoshiyuki Sakamoto, Masayuki Satoh, Tetsuya Ishikawa: Lexicon Features for Japanese Syntactic Analysis in Mu-Project-JE. COLING 1984: 42-47

Coauthor Index

1Masayuki Arai [3]
2Satoshi Fukumoto [3]
3Kenichi Ichino [3]
4Tetsuya Ishikawa [1] [2]
5Hiroyuki Itabashi [3]
6Kazuhiko Iwasaki [3]
7Takashi Murai [3]
8Nobuyuki Otsuka [3]
9Yoshiyuki Sakamoto [1] [2]
10Yuki Yamagata [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)