
Yezekael Hayel

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14EESamson Lasaulce, Yezekael Hayel, Rachid El Azouzi, Mérouane Debbah: Introducing Hierarchy in Energy Games CoRR abs/0903.2966: (2009)
13EEYezekael Hayel, Víctor M. Ramos R., Bruno Tuffin: A Hierarchical Game for Uplink CDMA Transmissions with Random Active Users. ICN 2008: 551-555
12EEEitan Altaian, Yezekael Hayel: A Stochastic Evolutionary Game of Energy Management in a Distributed Aloha Network. INFOCOM 2008: 1759-1767
11EESaswati Sarkar, Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel: Information Concealing Games. INFOCOM 2008: 2119-2127
10EEHamidou Tembine, Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel: Battery State-Dependent Access Control in Solar-Powered Broadband Wireless Networks. NET-COOP 2008: 121-129
9EEEitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Hamidou Tembine: Evolutionary Power Control Games in Wireless Networks. Networking 2008: 930-942
8EEYezekael Hayel: Hierarchical Game and Bi-level Optimization for Controlling Network Usage Via Pricing. NET-COOP 2007: 257-265
7EEHamidou Tembine, Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel: Multiple access game in ad-hoc network. VALUETOOLS 2007: 6
6EEParijat Dube, Yezekael Hayel: A Real-Time Yield Management Framework for E-Services. CEC/EEE 2006: 14
5EEYezekael Hayel, Víctor Manuel Ramos Ramos, Bruno Tuffin: Optimal Static Pricing of Reverse-Link DS-CDMA Multiclass Traffic. QEST 2006: 279-290
4EEYezekael Hayel, Bruno Tuffin: Pricing for Heterogeneous Services at a Discriminatory Processor Sharing Queue. NETWORKING 2005: 816-827
3EEYezekael Hayel, Bruno Tuffin: A mathematical analysis of the cumulus pricing scheme. Computer Networks 47(6): 907-921 (2005)
2 Yezekael Hayel, Laura Wynter, Parijat Dube: Analysis of a Yield Managementmodel for on Demand Computing Centers. I3E 2004: 359-372
1EEYezekael Hayel, David Ros, Bruno Tuffin: Less-than-Best-Effort Services: Pricing and Scheduling. INFOCOM 2004

Coauthor Index

1Eitan Altaian [12]
2Eitan Altman [7] [9] [10] [11]
3Rachid El Azouzi [7] [9] [10] [11] [14]
4Mérouane Debbah [14]
5Parijat Dube [2] [6]
6Samson Lasaulce [14]
7Víctor Manuel Ramos Ramos (Víctor M. Ramos R.) [5] [13]
8David Ros [1]
9Saswati Sarkar [11]
10Hamidou Tembine [7] [9] [10]
11Bruno Tuffin [1] [3] [4] [5] [13]
12Laura Wynter [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)