
Daniel Bienstock

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33EEDaniel Bienstock, Nuri Özbay: Computing robust basestock levels. Discrete Optimization 5(2): 389-414 (2008)
32EEDaniel Bienstock: Approximate formulations for 0-1 knapsack sets. Oper. Res. Lett. 36(3): 317-320 (2008)
31EEDaniel Bienstock, Sara Mattia: Using mixed-integer programming to solve power grid blackout problems. Discrete Optimization 4(1): 115-141 (2007)
30EEWalid Ben-Ameur, Daniel Bienstock, Iraj Saniee: Foreword. Annals OR 146(1): 1-2 (2006)
29EEDaniel Bienstock, Mark Zuckerberg: Approximate fixed-rank closures of covering problems. Math. Program. 105(1): 9-27 (2006)
28EEDaniel Bienstock, Garud Iyengar: Approximating Fractional Packings and Coverings in O(1/epsilon) Iterations. SIAM J. Comput. 35(4): 825-854 (2006)
27 George L. Nemhauser, Daniel Bienstock: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 10th International IPCO Conference, New York, NY, USA, June 7-11, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
26EEDaniel Bienstock, Garud Iyengar: Solving fractional packing problems in Oast(1/?) iterations. STOC 2004: 146-155
25EEDaniel Bienstock, Nuri Özbay: Tree-width and the Sherali-Adams operator. Discrete Optimization 1(1): 13-21 (2004)
24 Daniel Bienstock, Iraj Saniee: ATM Network Design: Traffic Models and Optimization-Based Heuristics. Telecommunication Systems 16(3-4): 399-421 (2001)
23EEDaniel Bienstock: epsilon-Approximate linear programs: new bounds and computation. SODA 2000: 1-2
22 Daniel Bienstock, Sunil Chopra, Oktay Günlük, Chih-Yang Tsai: Minimum cost capacity installation for multicommodity network flows. Math. Program. 81: 177-199 (1998)
21 Daniel Bienstock: Computational study of a family of mixed-integer quadratic programming problems. Math. Program. 74: 121-140 (1996)
20 Daniel Bienstock: Computational Study of a Family of Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming Problems. IPCO 1995: 80-94
19 Daniel Bienstock, Oktay Günlük: Computational experience with a difficult mixed-integer multicommodity flow problem. Math. Program. 68: 213-237 (1995)
18 Daniel Bienstock, Michel X. Goemans, David Simchi-Levi, David P. Williamson: A note on the prize collecting traveling salesman problem. Math. Program. 59: 413-420 (1993)
17 Daniel Bienstock, Nicole Diaz: Blocking Small Cuts in a Network, and Related Problems. SIAM J. Comput. 22(3): 482-499 (1993)
16 Daniel Bienstock: A Lot-Sizing Problem on Trees, Related to Network Design. IPCO 1992: 421-434
15EEDaniel Bienstock, Nathaniel Dean: On obstructions to small face covers in planar graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 55(2): 163-189 (1992)
14 Daniel Bienstock: Some Provably Hard Crossing Number Problems. Discrete & Computational Geometry 6: 443-459 (1991)
13EEDaniel Bienstock: On the complexity of testing for odd holes and induced odd paths. Discrete Mathematics 90(1): 85-92 (1991)
12 Daniel Bienstock, Paul D. Seymour: Monotonicity in Graph Searching. J. Algorithms 12(2): 239-245 (1991)
11EEDaniel Bienstock, Neil Robertson, Paul D. Seymour, Robin Thomas: Quickly excluding a forest. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 52(2): 274-283 (1991)
10 Daniel Bienstock, Ervin Györi: An Extremal Problem on Sparse 0-1 Matrices. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 4(1): 17-27 (1991)
9 Daniel Bienstock: Some Provably Hard Crossing Number Problems. IPCO 1990: 61-83
8EEDaniel Bienstock: Some Provably Hard Crossing Number Problems. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1990: 253-260
7 Daniel Bienstock, Clyde L. Monma: On the Complexity of Embedding Planar Graphs To Minimize Certain Distance Measures. Algorithmica 5(1): 93-109 (1990)
6EEDaniel Bienstock: On embedding graphs in trees. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 49(1): 103-136 (1990)
5 Daniel Bienstock: Linear-Time Test for Small Face Covers in Any Fixed Surface. SIAM J. Comput. 19(5): 907-911 (1990)
4 Daniel Bienstock, Ernest F. Brickell, Clyde L. Monma: On the Structure of Minimum-Weight k-Connected Spanning Networks. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 3(3): 320-329 (1990)
3EEDaniel Bienstock: Broadcasting with random faults. Discrete Applied Mathematics 20(1): 1-7 (1988)
2 Daniel Bienstock, Clyde L. Monma: On the Complexity of Covering Vertices by Faces in a Planar Graph. SIAM J. Comput. 17(1): 53-76 (1988)
1 Daniel Bienstock: Asymptotic Analysis of some Network Reliability Models. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(1): 14-21 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Walid Ben-Ameur [30]
2Ernest F. Brickell [4]
3Sunil Chopra [22]
4Nathaniel Dean [15]
5Nicole Diaz [17]
6Michel X. Goemans [18]
7Oktay Günlük [19] [22]
8Ervin Györi [10]
9Garud Iyengar [26] [28]
10Sara Mattia [31]
11Clyde L. Monma [2] [4] [7]
12George L. Nemhauser [27]
13Nuri Özbay [25] [33]
14Neil Robertson [11]
15Iraj Saniee [24] [30]
16Paul D. Seymour [11] [12]
17David Simchi-Levi [18]
18Robin Thomas [11]
19Chih-Yang Tsai [22]
20David P. Williamson [18]
21Mark Zuckerberg [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)