
Marián Vajtersic

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20EELaura Grigori, Bernard Philippe, Ahmed Sameh, Damien Tromeur-Dervout, Marián Vajtersic: Parallel matrix algorithms and applications. Parallel Computing 34(6-8): 293-295 (2008)
19EEGabriel Oksa, Marián Vajtersic: Efficient pre-processing in the parallel block-Jacobi SVD algorithm. Parallel Computing 32(2): 166-176 (2006)
18EEGabriel Oksa, Marián Vajtersic: Preconditioned Parallel Block-jacobi Svd Algorithm. Parallel Processing Letters 16(3): 371-380 (2006)
17EEGabriel Oksa, Marián Vajtersic: Special Issue. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 18(1-2): 49-70 (2003)
16 Martin Becka, Gabriel Oksa, Marián Vajtersic: Dynamic ordering for a parallel block-Jacobi SVD algorithm. Parallel Computing 28(2): 243-262 (2002)
15 Peter Zinterhof, Marián Vajtersic, Andreas Uhl: Parallel Computation, 4th International ACPC Conference Including Special Tracks on Parallel Numerics (ParNum'99) and Parallel Computing in Image Processing, Video Processing, and Multimedia, Salzburg, Austria, February 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
14EEMartin Becka, Sophie Robert, Marián Vajtersic: Experiments with Parallel One-Sided and Two-Sided Algorithms for SVD . ACPC 1999: 48-57
13EEMartin Becka, Marián Vajtersic: Block-jacobi Svd Algorithms for Distributed Memory Systems I: Hypercubes and Rings. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 13(3): 265-287 (1999)
12EEMartin Becka, Marián Vajtersic: Block-jacobi Svd Algorithms for Distributed Memory Systems Ii: Meshes*. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 14(1): 37-56 (1999)
11 Manfred Feil, Andreas Uhl, Marián Vajtersic: Computation of the Continuous Wavelet Transform on Massively Parallel SIMD Arrays. Parallel Processing Letters 9(4): 453-466 (1999)
10 Manfred Feil, Andreas Uhl, Marián Vajtersic: Continuous Wavelet Transform on Massively Parallel Arrays. PARCO 1997: 207-210
9EEMarián Vajtersic: A Direct Block-Five-Diagonal System Solver for the VLSI Parallel Model. IPPS 1996: 886-890
8 Marián Vajtersic: High Performance VLSI Model Elliptic Solvers. HPCN Europe 1995: 520-525
7 E. Francomano, A. Tortorici Macaluso, Marián Vajtersic: Implementation Analysis of Fast Matrix Multiplication Algorithms on Shared Memory Computers. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 14(3): (1995)
6 Marián Vajtersic: A VLSI Multigrid Poisson Solver Amenable to Biharmonic Equation. CONPAR 1992: 807-808
5 Grazia Lotti, Marián Vajtersic: The application of VLSI Poisson solvers to the biharmonic problem. Parallel Computing 18(1): 11-19 (1992)
4 Marián Vajtersic: Parallel Multigrid Algorithms for some Specialized Computer Systems. CONPAR 1990: 887-896
3 Marián Vajtersic: Fast Parallel Algorithms for Eigenvalue and Singular Value Computations. CONPAR 1986: 255-263
2 Marián Vajtersic: Parallel Poisson and biharmonic solvers implemented on the EGPA multiprocessor. ICPP 1982: 72-81
1 Marián Vajtersic: Solving two modified discrete poisson equations in 7 logn steps on n2 processors. CONPAR 1981: 423-432

Coauthor Index

1Martin Becka [12] [13] [14] [16]
2Manfred Feil [10] [11]
3E. Francomano [7]
4Laura Grigori [20]
5Grazia Lotti [5]
6A. Tortorici Macaluso [7]
7Gabriel Oksa [16] [17] [18] [19]
8Bernard Philippe [20]
9Sophie Robert [14]
10Ahmed Sameh [20]
11Damien Tromeur-Dervout [20]
12Andreas Uhl [10] [11] [15]
13Peter Zinterhof [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)