
Ben Salem

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11EEBen Salem, Ryohei Nakatsu, Matthias Rauterberg: Kansei Experience: Aesthetic, Emotions and Inner Balance. IJCINI 3(2): 18-36 (2009)
10EEHao Liu, Ben Salem, Matthias Rauterberg: Adaptive user preference modeling and its application to in-flight entertainment. DIMEA 2008: 289-294
9EEJorge Alves Lino, Ben Salem: In-Depth Observation of Video Gamers. ICEC 2008: 229-231
8EEBen Salem, Adrian Cheok, Adria Bassaganyes: BioMedia for Entertainment. ICEC 2008: 232-242
7EEChristoph Bartneck, Jun Hu, Ben Salem, Razvan Cristescu, Matthias Rauterberg: Applying Virtual and Augmented Reality in Cultural Computing. IJVR 7(2): 11-18 (2008)
6EEBen Salem: Kansei Games: Entertaining Emotions. ICEC 2007: 79-84
5EEBen Salem, Matthias Rauterberg, Ryohei Nakatsu: Kansei Mediated Entertainment. ICEC 2006: 103-116
4EERyohei Nakatsu, Matthias Rauterberg, Ben Salem: Forms and theories of communication: from multimedia to Kansei Mediation. Multimedia Syst. 11(3): 304-312 (2006)
3EEBen Salem, Matthias Rauterberg: Power, Death and Love: A Trilogy for Entertainment. ICEC 2005: 279-290
2EEBen Salem, Matthias Rauterberg: Multiple User Profile Merging (MUPE): Key Challenges for Environment Awareness. EUSAI 2004: 196-206
1EEBen Salem: Commedia Virtuale: Theatre Inspiration for Expressive Avatars. ICEC 2004: 157-162

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Bartneck [7]
2Adria Bassaganyes [8]
3Adrian Cheok [8]
4Razvan Cristescu [7]
5Jun Hu [7]
6Jorge Alves Lino [9]
7Hao Liu [10]
8Ryohei Nakatsu [4] [5] [11]
9Matthias Rauterberg [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)