
Subir K. Roy

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7EESubir K. Roy: Top Level SOC Interconnectivity Verification Using Formal Techniques. MTV 2007: 63-70
6EESubir K. Roy, Rubin A. Parekhji: Modeling Techniques for Formal Verification of BIST Controllers and Their Integration into SOC Designs. VLSI Design 2007: 364-372
5EESubir K. Roy, S. Ramesh, Supratik Chakraborty, Tsuneo Nakata, Sreeranga P. Rajan: Functional Verification of System on Chips-Practices, Issues and Challenges (Tutorial Abstract). VLSI Design 2002: 11-13
4EESubir K. Roy, Hiroaki Iwashita, Tsuneo Nakata: Formal verification based on assume and guarantee approach - a case study (short paper). ASP-DAC 2000: 77-80
3EESubir K. Roy, Hiroaki Iwashita, Tsuneo Nakata: Dataflow Analysis for Resource Contention and Register Leakage Properties. VLSI Design 2000: 418-423
2EEBupesh Pandita, Subir K. Roy: Design and Implementation of Viterbi Decoder Using FPGAs. VLSI Design 1999: 611-
1EEPradip K. Kar, Subir K. Roy: TECHMIG: A Layout Tool for Technology Migration. VLSI Design 1999: 615-620

Coauthor Index

1Supratik Chakraborty [5]
2Hiroaki Iwashita [3] [4]
3Pradip K. Kar [1]
4Tsuneo Nakata [3] [4] [5]
5Bupesh Pandita [2]
6Rubin A. Parekhji [6]
7Sreeranga P. Rajan [5]
8S. Ramesh (Sethu Ramesh) [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)