
Anthony Robins

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14EEHayden Walles, Alistair Knott, Anthony Robins: A model of cardinality blindness in inferotemporal cortex. Biological Cybernetics 98(5): 427-437 (2008)
13EEJanet Rountree, Nathan Rountree, Anthony Robins, Robert Hannah: Observations of Student Competency in a CS1 Course. ACE 2005: 145-149
12EESandy Garner, Patricia Haden, Anthony Robins: My Program is Correct But it Doesn t Run: A Preliminary Investigation of Novice Programmers Problems. ACE 2005: 173-180
11EEAnthony Robins: Sequential learning in neural networks: A review and a discussion of pseudorehearsal based methods. Intell. Data Anal. 8(3): 301-322 (2004)
10EEAnthony Robins, Simon McCallum: A robust method for distinguishing between learned and spurious attractors. Neural Networks 17(3): 313-326 (2004)
9EENathan Rountree, Janet Rountree, Anthony Robins, Robert Hannah: Interacting factors that predict success and failure in a CS1 course. SIGCSE Bulletin 36(4): 101-104 (2004)
8EENathan Rountree, Janet Rountree, Anthony Robins: Predictors of success and failure in a CS1 course. SIGCSE Bulletin 34(4): 121-124 (2002)
7 Simon McCallum, Anthony Robins: Mechanisms for Memory Consolidation. New Zealand Computer Science Research Students' Conference 1999: 30-37
6EEAnthony Robins, Simon McCallum: The consolidation of learning during sleep: comparing the pseudorehearsal and unlearning accounts. Neural Networks 12(7-8): 1191-1206 (1999)
5EEAnthony Robins, Simon McCallum: Catastrophic Forgetting and the Pseudorehearsal Solution in Hopfield-type Networks. Connect. Sci. 10(2): 121-135 (1998)
4EEAnthony Robins, Marcus R. Frean: Local Learning Algorithms for Sequential Tasks in Neural Networks. JACIII 2(6): 221-227 (1998)
3EEAnthony Robins: Transfer in Cognition. Connect. Sci. 8(2): 185-204 (1996)
2EEAnthony Robins: Consolidation in Neural Networks and in the Sleeping Brain. Connect. Sci. 8(2): 259-276 (1996)
1EEAnthony Robins: Catastrophic Forgetting, Rehearsal and Pseudorehearsal. Connect. Sci. 7(2): 123-146 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Marcus R. Frean [4]
2Sandy Garner [12]
3Patricia Haden [12]
4Robert Hannah [9] [13]
5Alistair Knott [14]
6Simon McCallum [5] [6] [7] [10]
7Janet Rountree [8] [9] [13]
8Nathan Rountree [8] [9] [13]
9Hayden Walles [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)