
Marcus R. Frean

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11EEMarcus R. Frean, Phillip Boyle: Using Gaussian Processes to Optimize Expensive Functions. Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2008: 258-267
10EEGareth Baxter, Marcus R. Frean: Software graphs and programmer awareness CoRR abs/0802.2306: (2008)
9EEGareth Baxter, Marcus R. Frean, James Noble, Mark Rickerby, Hayden Smith, Matt Visser, Hayden Melton, Ewan D. Tempero: Understanding the shape of Java software. OOPSLA 2006: 397-412
8EEMatthew Lilley, Marcus R. Frean: Neural Networks: A Replacement for Gaussian Processes? IDEAL 2005: 195-202
7EEAlex Potanin, James Noble, Marcus R. Frean, Robert Biddle: Scale-free geometry in OO programs. Commun. ACM 48(5): 99-103 (2005)
6EEMarcus Gallagher, Marcus R. Frean: Population-Based Continuous Optimization, Probabilistic Modelling and Mean Shift. Evolutionary Computation 13(1): 29-42 (2005)
5EEPhillip Boyle, Marcus R. Frean: Dependent Gaussian Processes. NIPS 2004
4 Marcus R. Frean, Edward R. Abraham: A voter model of the spatial prisoner's dilemma. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 5(2): 117-121 (2001)
3 Marcus Gallagher, Marcus R. Frean, Tom Downs: Real-valued Evolutionary Optimization using a Flexible Probability Density Estimator. GECCO 1999: 840-846
2EELlew Mason, Jonathan Baxter, Peter L. Bartlett, Marcus R. Frean: Boosting Algorithms as Gradient Descent. NIPS 1999: 512-518
1EEAnthony Robins, Marcus R. Frean: Local Learning Algorithms for Sequential Tasks in Neural Networks. JACIII 2(6): 221-227 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Edward R. Abraham [4]
2Peter L. Bartlett [2]
3Gareth Baxter [9] [10]
4Jonathan Baxter [2]
5Robert Biddle [7]
6Phillip Boyle [5] [11]
7Tom Downs [3]
8Marcus Gallagher [3] [6]
9Matthew Lilley [8]
10Llew Mason [2]
11Hayden Melton [9]
12James Noble [7] [9]
13Alex Potanin [7]
14Mark Rickerby [9]
15Anthony Robins [1]
16Hayden Smith [9]
17Ewan D. Tempero [9]
18Matt Visser [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)