
Reinhard Riedl

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21EEThomas Keller, Thomas Marko, Reinhard Riedl: Entrepreneurial View of Automated Process Composition. ICWS 2007: 848-855
20EEReinhard Riedl, Manuel Juen: IT Auditing in E-Government. EGOV 2006: 341-352
19EEThomas Bocek, David Hausheer, Reinhard Riedl, Burkhard Stiller: Introducing CPU Time as a Scarce Resource in P2P Systems to Achieve Fair Use in a Distributed DNS. INFOCOM 2006
18 Reinhard Riedl: Rethinking Trust and Confidence in European E-Government Linking the Public Sector with Post-Modern Society. I3E 2004: 89-108
17EEReinhard Riedl: Sicherheit im E-Government. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 236: (2004)
16EEReinhard Riedl: Affordances in e-Government. EGOV 2003: 111-116
15EEReinhard Riedl, Nico Maibaum: FASME - From Smartcards to Holistic IT-Architectures for Interstate e-Government. EGOV 2002: 173-178
14EEReinhard Riedl: Meaning and Relevance. Cognitive Technology 2001: 311-324
13EEReinhard Riedl: Interdisciplinary Engineering of Interstate E-Government Solutions. Cognitive Technology 2001: 405-420
12 Reinhard Riedl: Limitations for Interstate e-Government and for Interdisciplinary Projects. DEXA Workshop 2001: 377-382
11 Reinhard Riedl: Ad Hoc Vernetzung von Behörden für Internationales E-Government. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2001: 320-327
10EEReinhard Riedl: Customer-Centered Models for Web-Sites and Intra-Nets. HPCN Europe 2001: 573-578
9 Reinhard Riedl: Hierarchical Knowledge and Meta-Observations. I3E 2001: 537-546
8 Reinhard Riedl: A Functional Model for Mobile Commerce. I3E 2001: 617-628
7EEReinhard Riedl: Document-based inter-organizational information exchange. SIGDOC 2001: 122-131
6 Urs Hengartner, Elisabeth Maier, Christos Kefos, Lutz Richter, Reinhard Riedl, Martina Klose, Ulrike Lechner, Olga Miler, Beat Schmid: Organization on intranet - An agent based approach. IRMA Conference 2000: 316-319
5EEChristopher Lueg, Reinhard Riedl: How Information Technology Could Benefit from Modern Approaches to Knowledge Management. PAKM 2000
4 Reinhard Riedl: The Impact of Workload on Simulation Results for Distributed Transaction Processing. HPCN Europe 1999: 33-42
3EEReinhard Riedl: Agents for electronic markets as performing actors (poster). SIGUCCS 1999: 236-240
2 Eike Born, Thomas Delica, Werner Ehrl, Lutz Richter, Reinhard Riedl: Characterization of Workloads for Distributed DB/DC-Processing. Inf. Sci. 97(1&2): 5-33 (1997)
1EEReinhard Riedl, Lutz Richter: Classification of Load Distribution Algorithms. PDP 1996: 404-413

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Bocek [19]
2Eike Born [2]
3Thomas Delica [2]
4Werner Ehrl [2]
5David Hausheer [19]
6Urs Hengartner [6]
7Manuel Juen [20]
8Christos Kefos [6]
9Thomas Keller [21]
10Martina Klose [6]
11Ulrike Lechner [6]
12Christopher Peter Lueg (Christopher Lueg) [5]
13Nico Maibaum [15]
14Elisabeth Maier [6]
15Thomas Marko [21]
16Olga Miler [6]
17Lutz Richter [1] [2] [6]
18Beat Schmid [6]
19Burkhard Stiller [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)