
Eike Born

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6 Eike Born, Thomas Delica, Werner Ehrl, Lutz Richter, Reinhard Riedl: Characterization of Workloads for Distributed DB/DC-Processing. Inf. Sci. 97(1&2): 5-33 (1997)
5EEEike Born: Enforcing legal ownership rights by an access control system. Computers & Security 15(3): 212-220 (1996)
4EEEike Born: Analytical performance modelling of lock management in distributed systems. Distributed Systems Engineering 3(1): 68- (1996)
3EEEike Born, Helmut G. Stiegler: Discretionary access control by means of usage conditions. Computers & Security 13(5): 437-450 (1994)
2 Eike Born, Sigmar Zäske: Performance-Analyse eines verteilten Lock-Management auf Mehrrechner-Systemen. Datenbank Rundbrief 11: 49-50 (1993)
1 Eike Born: B1-Funktionalität für Betriebssysteme: Sicherheitskennzeichen für Exportkanäle. VIS 1991: 159-178

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Delica [6]
2Werner Ehrl [6]
3Lutz Richter [6]
4Reinhard Riedl [6]
5Helmut G. Stiegler [3]
6Sigmar Zäske [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)