
Dennis G. Kafura

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40EEMarkus Lorch, Dennis G. Kafura, Ian Fisk, Kate Keahey, Tim Freeman, Abhishek Singh Rana, Frank Würthwein: Authorisation and identity mapping services for the Open Science Grid. IJHPCN 5(3): 144-155 (2008)
39EEMarkus Lorch, Dennis G. Kafura, Ian Fisk, Kate Keahey, Gabriele Carcassi, Timothy Freeman, Timur Peremutov, Abhishek Singh Rana: Authorization and account management in the Open Science Grid. GRID 2005: 17-24
38EEMarkus Lorch, Jim Basney, Dennis G. Kafura: A hardware-secured credential repository for Grid PKIs. CCGRID 2004: 640-647
37EEMarkus Lorch, Dennis G. Kafura: The PRIMA Grid Authorization System. J. Grid Comput. 2(3): 279-298 (2004)
36EEMarkus Lorch, David B. Adams, Dennis G. Kafura, M. S. R. Koneni, A. Rathi, Sumit Shah: The PRIMA System for Privilege Management, Authorization and Enforcement in Grid Environments. GRID 2003: 109-116
35EEMarkus Lorch, Dennis G. Kafura, Sumit Shah: An XACML-based Policy Management and Authorization Service for Globus Resources. GRID 2003: 208-212
34EEMarkus Lorch, Seth Proctor, Rebekah Lepro, Dennis G. Kafura, Sumit Shah: First experiences using XACML for access control in distributed systems. XML Security 2003: 25-37
33EEMarkus Lorch, Dennis G. Kafura: Symphony - A Java-Based Composition and Manipulation Framework for Computational Grids. CCGRID 2002: 136-143
32EEMarkus Lorch, Dennis G. Kafura: Supporting Secure Ad-hoc User Collaboration in Grid Environments. GRID 2002: 181-193
31 Naren Ramakrishnan, Layne T. Watson, Dennis G. Kafura, Calvin J. Ribbens, Clifford A. Shaffer: Programming environments for multidisciplinary Grid communities. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(13-15): 1241-1273 (2002)
30EEAshish Shah, Dennis G. Kafura: Symphony: A Java-Based Composition and Manipulation Framework for Distributed Legacy Resources. PDSE 1999: 2-12
29 Susan L. Keenan, H. Rex Hartson, Dennis G. Kafura, Robert S. Schulman: The Usability Problem Taxonomy: A Framework for Classification and Analysis. Empirical Software Engineering 4(1): 71-104 (1999)
28EEManibrata Mukherji, Dennis G. Kafura: A Process-Calculus-Based Abstraction for Coordinating Multi-Agent Groups. Theor. Comput. Sci. 192(2): 287-314 (1998)
27 Manibrata Mukherji, Dennis G. Kafura: CCE: A Process-Calculus Based Formalism for Specifying Multi-Object Coordination. COORDINATION 1996: 285-304
26EEDennis G. Kafura, Manibrata Mukherji, Douglas Washabaugh: Concurrent and Distributed Garbage Collection of Active Objects. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 6(4): 337-350 (1995)
25 Wei Li, Sallie M. Henry, Dennis G. Kafura, Robert S. Schulman: Measuring Object-Oriented Design. JOOP 8(4): 48-55 (1995)
24 Dennis G. Kafura, R. Greg Lavender, Douglas C. Schmidt: Workshop on design patterns for concurrent, parallel, and distributed object-oriented system. OOPS Messenger 6(4): 128-131 (1995)
23 R. Greg Lavender, Dennis G. Kafura, R. W. Mullins: Programming with ASN.1 Using Polymorphic Types and Type Specialization. ULPAA 1994: 151-166
22EEJoel E. Henry, Sallie M. Henry, Dennis G. Kafura, Lance Matheson: Improving Software Maintenance at Martin Marietta. IEEE Software 11(4): 67-75 (1994)
21 Dennis G. Kafura, Siva Challa, R. Greg Lavender: Workshop on multi-language object models. OOPS Messenger 5(4): 117-121 (1994)
20EEJohn A. Lewis, Sallie M. Henry, Dennis G. Kafura, Robert S. Schulman: Human factors and software reuse: the manager's impact. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1992: 173-181
19EEAtika Laribi, Dennis G. Kafura: A protection model incorporating both authorization and constraints. Computers & Security 11(1): 57-73 (1992)
18EEDouglas Washabaugh, Dennis G. Kafura: Distributed garbage collection of active objects. ICDCS 1991: 369-376
17 John A. Lewis, Sallie M. Henry, Dennis G. Kafura, Robert S. Schulman: An Empirical Study of the Object-Oriented Paradigm and Software Reuse. OOPSLA 1991: 184-196
16 Dennis G. Kafura, R. Greg Lavender: Recent progress in combining actor-based concurrency with object-oriented programming. OOPS Messenger 2(2): 55-58 (1991)
15 Dennis G. Kafura, Douglas Washabaugh, Jeff Nelson: Progress in the garbage collection of active objects. OOPS Messenger 2(2): 59-63 (1991)
14 Douglas Washabaugh, Dennis G. Kafura: Incremental Garbage Collection of Concurrent Objects for Real-Time Applications. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1990: 21-31
13 Dennis G. Kafura, Douglas Washabaugh, Jeff Nelson: Garbage Collection of Actors. OOPSLA/ECOOP 1990: 126-134
12 Dennis G. Kafura, Keung Hae Lee: Inheritance in Actor Based Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages. ECOOP 1989: 131-145
11 Dennis G. Kafura, K. H. Lee: Inheritance in Actor Based Concurrent Object-Oriented Languages. Comput. J. 32(4): 297-304 (1989)
10EEDennis G. Kafura: Concurrent object-oriented real-times systems research. SIGPLAN Notices 24(4): 203-205 (1989)
9 Dennis G. Kafura, Geereddy R. Reddy: The Use of Software Complexity Metrics in Software Maintenance. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(3): 335-343 (1987)
8 Dennis G. Kafura, J. Canning: A Validation of Software Metrics Using Many Metrics and Two Resources. ICSE 1985: 378-385
7EEKen Fuchs, Dennis G. Kafura: Memory-Constrained Task Scheduling on a Network of Dual Processors J. ACM 32(1): 102-129 (1985)
6 Sallie M. Henry, Dennis G. Kafura: The Evaluation of Software Systems' Structure Using Quantitative Software Metrics. Softw., Pract. Exper. 14(6): 561-573 (1984)
5 Sallie M. Henry, Dennis G. Kafura: Software Structure Metrics Based on Information Flow. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(5): 510-518 (1981)
4EEDennis G. Kafura, Sallie M. Henry: Software quality metrics based on interconnectivity. Journal of Systems and Software 2(2): 121-131 (1981)
3EEDennis G. Kafura, V. Y. Shen: An Algorithm to Design the Memory Configuration of a Computer Network. J. ACM 25(3): 365-377 (1978)
2 Dennis G. Kafura: Task Scheduling with Critical Section Constraints. IFIP Congress 1977: 553-557
1 Dennis G. Kafura, V. Y. Shen: Task Scheduling on a Multiprocessor System with Independent Memories. SIAM J. Comput. 6(1): 167-187 (1977)

Coauthor Index

1David B. Adams [36]
2Jim Basney [38]
3J. Canning [8]
4Gabriele Carcassi [39]
5Siva Challa [21]
6Ian Fisk [39] [40]
7Tim Freeman [40]
8Timothy Freeman [39]
9Ken Fuchs [7]
10H. Rex Hartson [29]
11Joel E. Henry [22]
12Sallie M. Henry [4] [5] [6] [17] [20] [22] [25]
13Katarzyna Keahey (Kate Keahey) [39] [40]
14Susan L. Keenan [29]
15M. S. R. Koneni [36]
16Atika Laribi [19]
17R. Greg Lavender [16] [21] [23] [24]
18K. H. Lee [11]
19Keung Hae Lee [12]
20Rebekah Lepro [34]
21John A. Lewis [17] [20]
22Wei Li [25]
23Markus Lorch [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40]
24Lance Matheson [22]
25Manibrata Mukherji [26] [27] [28]
26R. W. Mullins [23]
27Jeff Nelson [13] [15]
28Timur Peremutov [39]
29Seth Proctor [34]
30Naren Ramakrishnan [31]
31Abhishek Singh Rana [39] [40]
32A. Rathi [36]
33Geereddy R. Reddy [9]
34Calvin J. Ribbens [31]
35Douglas C. Schmidt [24]
36Robert S. Schulman [17] [20] [25] [29]
37Clifford A. Shaffer [31]
38Ashish Shah [30]
39Sumit Shah [34] [35] [36]
40V. Y. Shen [1] [3]
41Douglas Washabaugh [13] [14] [15] [18] [26]
42Layne T. Watson [31]
43Frank Würthwein [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)