
Khalid Rahmat

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5EEJohn A. Darringer, Evan E. Davidson, David J. Hathaway, Bernd Koenemann, Mark A. Lavin, Joseph K. Morrell, Khalid Rahmat, Wolfgang Roesner, Erich C. Schanzenbach, Gustavo Tellez, Louise Trevillyan: EDA in IBM: past, present, and future. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 19(12): 1476-1497 (2000)
4 Norman Chang, Valery Kanevsky, O. Sam Nakagawa, Khalid Rahmat, Soo-Young Oh: Fast Generation of Statistically-based Worst-Case Modeling of On-Chip Interconnect. ICCD 1997: 720-725
3EESoo-Young Oh, Khalid Rahmat, O. Sam Nakagawa, J. Moll: A Scaling Scheme and Optimization Methodology for Deep Sub-Micron Interconnect. ICCD 1996: 320-325
2EEKhalid Rahmat, Jacob K. White, Dimitri A. Antoniadis: Simulation of semiconductor devices using a Galerkin/spherical harmonic expansion approach to solving the coupled Poisson-Boltzmann system. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(10): 1181-1196 (1996)
1EEKhalid Rahmat, Jacob K. White, Dimitri A. Antoniadis: Computation of drain and substrate currents in ultra-short-channel nMOSFET's using the hydrodynamic model. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 12(6): 817-824 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Dimitri A. Antoniadis [1] [2]
2Norman Chang [4]
3John A. Darringer [5]
4Evan E. Davidson [5]
5David J. Hathaway [5]
6Valery Kanevsky [4]
7Bernd Koenemann [5]
8Mark A. Lavin [5]
9J. Moll [3]
10Joseph K. Morrell [5]
11O. Sam Nakagawa [3] [4]
12Soo-Young Oh [3] [4]
13Wolfgang Roesner [5]
14Erich C. Schanzenbach [5]
15Gustavo Tellez [5]
16Louise Trevillyan [5]
17Jacob K. White (Jacob White) [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)