
Jirí Sichler

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5EERichard N. Ball, Ales Pultr, Jirí Sichler: A Priestley Sum of Finite Trees is Acyclic. Applied Categorical Structures 16(6): 735-748 (2008)
4EERichard N. Ball, Ales Pultr, Jirí Sichler: More on Configurations in Priestley Spaces, and Some New Problems. Applied Categorical Structures 15(5-6): 457-472 (2007)
3EERichard N. Ball, Ales Pultr, Jirí Sichler: Configurations in Coproducts of Priestley Spaces. Applied Categorical Structures 13(2): 121-130 (2005)
2EEVáclav Koubek, Jirí Sichler: On relative universality and Q-universality. Studia Logica 78(1-2): 279-291 (2004)
1EEVáclav Koubek, Jirí Sichler: Endomorphism monoids of chained graphs. Discrete Mathematics 242(1-3): 157-174 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Richard N. Ball [3] [4] [5]
2Václav Koubek [1] [2]
3Ales Pultr [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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