
Marcel Erné

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15EEMarcel Erné, Mai Gehrke, Ales Pultr: Complete Congruences on Topologies and Down-set Lattices. Applied Categorical Structures 15(1-2): 163-184 (2007)
14EEMarcel Erné: Choiceless, Pointless, but not Useless: Dualities for Preframes. Applied Categorical Structures 15(5-6): 541-572 (2007)
13EEMarcel Erné: Intervals in Lattices of alpha-Meet-Closed Subsets. Order 21(2): 137-153 (2004)
12EEMarcel Erné, Branimir Seselja, Andreja Tepavcevic: Posets Generated by Irreducible Elements. Order 20(1): 79-89 (2003)
11EEMarcel Erné, Jobst Heitzig, Jürgen Reinhold: On the Number of Distributive Lattices. Electr. J. Comb. 9(1): (2002)
10EEMarcel Erné, Dongsheng Zhao: Z-Join Spectra of Z-Supercompactly Generated Lattices. Applied Categorical Structures 9(1): 41-63 (2001)
9EEMarcel Erné: Ideal Completions and Compactifications. Applied Categorical Structures 9(3): 217-243 (2001)
8EEMarcel Erné, Jürgen Reinhold: Embedding Structures. Graphs and Combinatorics 17(4): 637-645 (2001)
7EEMarcel Erné: Constructive Order Theory. Math. Log. Q. 47(2): 211-222 (2001)
6EEMarcel Erné: Prime Ideal Theory for General Algebras. Applied Categorical Structures 8(1-2): 115-144 (2000)
5EEMarcel Erné: Z-Continuous Posets and Their Topological Manifestation. Applied Categorical Structures 7(1-2): 31-70 (1999)
4EEK. Deiters, Marcel Erné: Negations and contrapositions of complete lattices. Discrete Mathematics 181(1-3): 91-111 (1998)
3EEMarcel Erné: The number of partially ordered sets with more points than incomparable pairs. Discrete Mathematics 105(1-3): 49-60 (1992)
2EEPaul Erdös, Marcel Erné: Clique numbers of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 59(3): 235-242 (1986)
1EEMarcel Erné: On the cardinalities of finite topologies and the number of antichains in partially ordered sets. Discrete Mathematics 35(1-3): 119-133 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1K. Deiters [4]
2Paul Erdös [2]
3Mai Gehrke [15]
4Jobst Heitzig [11]
5Ales Pultr [15]
6Jürgen Reinhold [8] [11]
7Branimir Seselja [12]
8Andreja Tepavcevic [12]
9Dongsheng Zhao [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)