
Horst Herrlich

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15EEH. L. Bentley, Horst Herrlich: Merotopological Spaces. Applied Categorical Structures 12(2): 155-180 (2004)
14EEHorst Herrlich: The axiom of choice holds iff maximal closed filters exist. Math. Log. Q. 49(3): 323-324 (2003)
13EEJirí Adámek, Horst Herrlich, Jirí Rosický, Walter Tholen: Weak Factorization Systems and Topological Functors. Applied Categorical Structures 10(3): 237-249 (2002)
12EELutz Schröder, Horst Herrlich: Free Factorizations. Applied Categorical Structures 9(6): 571-593 (2001)
11EEHorst Herrlich, Ales Pultr: Nearness, Subfitness and Sequential Regularity. Applied Categorical Structures 8(1-2): 67-80 (2000)
10EELutz Schröder, Horst Herrlich: Free Adjunction of Morphisms. Applied Categorical Structures 8(4): 595-606 (2000)
9EEHorst Herrlich, Kyriakos Keremedis: On Countable Products of Finite Hausdorff Spaces. Math. Log. Q. 46(4): 537-542 (2000)
8 Kyriakos Keremedis, Horst Herrlich: Powers of 2. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40(3): 346-351 (1999)
7EEHorst Herrlich, Miroslav Husek: Some open categorical problems in Top. Applied Categorical Structures 1(1): 1-19 (1993)
6EEHorst Herrlich: CompactT0-spaces andT0-compactifications. Applied Categorical Structures 1(1): 111-132 (1993)
5 Hartmut Ehrig, Horst Herrlich, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Gerhard Preuß: Categorial Methods in Computer Science: With Aspects from Topology [Workshop, September 1988, Berlin, Germany] Springer 1989
4 Horst Herrlich, Hartmut Ehrig: The Construct PRO of Projection Spaces: Its Internal Structure. Categorial Methods in Computer Science 1988: 286-293
3 Horst Herrlich, Miroslav Husek: Galois Connections. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics 1985: 122-134
2 Jirí Adámek, Horst Herrlich: Cartesian Closed Categories, Quasitopoi and Topological Universes. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics 1985: 20-41
1 H. Bargenda, Horst Herrlich, George E. Strecker: Concrete Categories and Injectivity. Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics 1985: 42-52

Coauthor Index

1Jirí Adámek [2] [13]
2H. Bargenda [1]
3H. L. Bentley [15]
4Hartmut Ehrig [4] [5]
5Miroslav Husek [3] [7]
6Kyriakos Keremedis [8] [9]
7Hans-Jörg Kreowski [5]
8Gerhard Preuß [5]
9Ales Pultr [11]
10Jirí Rosický [13]
11Lutz Schröder [10] [12]
12George E. Strecker [1]
13Walter Tholen [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)