
John D. Angelopoulos

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12EETheofanis Orphanoudakis, Helen-Catherine Leligou, Evagelos Kosmatos, John D. Angelopoulos: Performance evaluation of GPON vs EPON for multi-service access. Int. J. Communication Systems 22(2): 187-202 (2009)
11EEJohn D. Angelopoulos, C. Dessauvage, Helen-Catherine Leligou, Konstantinos Kanonakis, C. Matrakidis, E. Six: Dynamic address resolution for enhanced configurability in packet-based TDMA GPONs. Inf. Sci. 177(16): 3327-3340 (2007)
10EEHelen-Catherine Leligou, Charalambos Linardakis, Konstantinos Kanonakis, John D. Angelopoulos, Theofanis Orphanoudakis: Efficient medium arbitration of FSAN-compliant GPONs. Int. J. Communication Systems 19(5): 603-617 (2006)
9EEJohn D. Angelopoulos, Helen-Catherine Leligou, Theodore Argyriou, Stelios Zontos: Prioritized Multiplexing of Traffic Accessing an FSAN-Compliant GPON. NETWORKING 2004: 890-901
8EEHelen-Catherine Leligou, John D. Angelopoulos, Charalambos Linardakis, Alexandros A. Stavdas: A MAC protocol for efficient multiplexing QoS-sensitive and best-effort traffic in dynamically configurable WDM rings. Computer Networks 44(3): 305-317 (2004)
7 John D. Angelopoulos, N. Leligou, H. Linardakis, Alexandros A. Stavdas: A QoS-Sensitive MAC for Slotted WDM Metropolitan Rings. ONDM 2002: 3-15
6 John D. Angelopoulos, N. Leligou, Theofanis Orphanoudakis, Giannis Pikrammenos, J. Sifnaios, Iakovos S. Venieris: Access Control in Shared Access Networks Supporting Internet DiffServ. ONDM 2000: 235-246
5EEJohn D. Angelopoulos, G. C. Boukis, Iakovos S. Venieris: Delay priorities enhance utilisation of ATM PON access systems. Computer Communications 20(11): 937-949 (1997)
4 Iakovos S. Venieris, Emmanuel N. Protonotarios, John D. Angelopoulos, George I. Stassinopoulos: Label Management in Broadband Internetworks. Advanced Information Processing Techniques for LAN and MAN Management 1993: 291-302
3EEIakovos S. Venieris, John D. Angelopoulos, George I. Stassinopoulos: ATM traffic transfer via queued-arbitrated DQDB. Computer Communications 16(12): 746-758 (1993)
2 Iakovos S. Venieris, John D. Angelopoulos, George I. Stassinopoulos: Efficient Use of Protocol Stacks for LAN/MAN-ATM Interworking. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(8): 1160-1171 (1993)
1 Iakovos S. Venieris, John D. Angelopoulos, George I. Stassinopoulos: DQDB MAN as a Transit Network for ATM CPNs. INFOCOM 1992: 2351-2357

Coauthor Index

1Theodore Argyriou [9]
2G. C. Boukis [5]
3C. Dessauvage [11]
4Konstantinos Kanonakis [10] [11]
5Evagelos Kosmatos [12]
6Helen-Catherine Leligou [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
7N. Leligou [6] [7]
8Charalambos Linardakis [8] [10]
9H. Linardakis [7]
10C. Matrakidis [11]
11Theofanis Orphanoudakis [6] [10] [12]
12Giannis Pikrammenos [6]
13Emmanuel N. Protonotarios [4]
14J. Sifnaios [6]
15E. Six [11]
16George I. Stassinopoulos [1] [2] [3] [4]
17Alexandros A. Stavdas [7] [8]
18Iakovos S. Venieris [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
19Stelios Zontos [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)