
R. V. K. Pillai

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7EER. V. K. Pillai, Dhamin Al-Khalili, Asim J. Al-Khalili, S. Y. A. Shah: A Low Power Approach to Floating Point Adder Design for DSP Applications. VLSI Signal Processing 27(3): 195-213 (2001)
6EER. V. K. Pillai, Dhamin Al-Khalili, Asim J. Al-Khalili: Power implications of precision limited arithmetic in floating point FIR filters. ISCAS (1) 1999: 165-168
5 R. V. K. Pillai, Dhamin Al-Khalili, Asim J. Al-Khalili: An IEEE Compliant Floating Point MAF. VLSI 1999: 149-160
4EER. V. K. Pillai, Asim J. Al-Khalili, Dhamin Al-Khalili: A Low Power Floating Point Accumulator. VLSI Design 1998: 330-
3 R. V. K. Pillai, Dhamin Al-Khalili, Asim J. Al-Khalili: A Low Power Approach to Floating Point Adder Design. ICCD 1997: 178-185
2EER. V. K. Pillai, Dhamin Al-Khalili, Asim J. Al-Khalili: Energy delay measures of barrel switch architectures for pre-alignment of floating point operands for addition. ISLPED 1997: 235-238
1EER. V. K. Pillai, Dhamin Al-Khalili, Asim J. Al-Khalili: Energy delay analysis of partial product reduction methods for parallel multiplier implementation. ISLPED 1996: 201-204

Coauthor Index

1Asim J. Al-Khalili (A. J. Al-Khalili) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Dhamin Al-Khalili [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3S. Y. A. Shah [7]

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