
Hodjat Pendar

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5EEHodjat Pendar, Hajir Roozbehani, Hoda Sadeghian, Hassan Zohoor: Singularity Analysis of a 3DOF Parallel Manipulator Using Infinite Constraint Plane Method. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 53(1): 21-34 (2008)
4EEGholamreza Vossoughi, Hodjat Pendar, Zoya Heidari, Saman Mohammadi: Assisted passive snake-like robots: conception and dynamic modeling using Gibbs-Appell method. Robotica 26(3): 267-276 (2008)
3EEHodjat Pendar, Mohammad Vakil, R. Fotouhi, Hassan Zohoor: Kinematic Analysis of the Spherically Actuated Platform Manipulator. ICRA 2007: 175-180
2 Aria Alasty, Hodjat Pendar: Equations of Motion of a Single-Wheel Robot in a Rough Terrain. ICRA 2005: 879-884
1EEHodjat Pendar, Mohammad Vakil, Hassan Zohoor: Efficient dynamic equations of 3-RPS parallel mechanism through Lagrange method. RAM 2004: 1152-1157

Coauthor Index

1Aria Alasty [2]
2R. Fotouhi [3]
3Zoya Heidari [4]
4Saman Mohammadi [4]
5Hajir Roozbehani [5]
6Hoda Sadeghian [5]
7Mohammad Vakil [1] [3]
8Gholamreza Vossoughi [4]
9Hassan Zohoor [1] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)