
Laurent Pautet

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41EEBechir Zalila, Laurent Pautet, Jérôme Hugues: Towards Automatic Middleware Generation. ISORC 2008: 221-228
40EEJérôme Hugues, Bechir Zalila, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: From the prototype to the final embedded system using the Ocarina AADL tool suite. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 7(4): (2008)
39EEBechir Zalila, Irfan Hamid, Jérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet: Generating Distributed High Integrity Applications from Their Architectural Description. Ada-Europe 2007: 155-167
38EEKhaled Barbaria, Jérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet: Design and Performance of a Generic Consensus Component for Critical Distributed Applications. Ada-Europe 2007: 208-220
37EEIsabelle Perseil, Laurent Pautet: A Co-Modeling Methodology Designed for RT Architecture Models Integration. ICECCS 2007: 371-376
36EEJérôme Hugues, Bechir Zalila, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: Rapid Prototyping of Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems Using the AADL and Ocarina. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2007: 106-112
35EEJérôme Hugues, Bechir Zalila, Laurent Pautet: Combining Model Processing and Middleware Configuration for Building Distributed High-Integrity Systems. ISORC 2007: 307-312
34EEJérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: A Framework for DRE middleware, an Application to DDS. ISORC 2006: 224-231
33EEJérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet, Bechir Zalila: From MDD to Full Industrial Process: Building Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems for the High-Integrity Domain. Monterey Workshop 2006: 35-52
32EEBechir Zalila, Jérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet: An improved IDL compiler for optimizing CORBA applications. SIGAda 2006: 21-28
31EEKhaled Barbaria, Laurent Pautet, Isabelle Perseil: Schizophrenic middleware support for fault tolerance. SIGAda 2006: 51-60
30EEThomas Vergnaud, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: Using the AADL to Describe Distributed Applications from Middleware to Software Components. Ada-Europe 2005: 67-78
29EEThomas Vergnaud, Jérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: Rapid Development Methodology for Customized Middleware. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2005: 111-117
28EEJérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: Revisiting COTS middleware for DRE systems. ISORC 2005: 72-79
27EEJérôme Hugues, Thomas Vergnaud, Laurent Pautet, Yann Thierry-Mieg, Souheib Baarir, Fabrice Kordon: On the Formal Verification of Middleware Behavioral Properties. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 133: 139-157 (2005)
26EEFabrice Kordon, Laurent Pautet: Toward Nex-Generation Middleware? IEEE Distributed Systems Online 6(3): (2005)
25EEThomas Vergnaud, Jérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: PolyORB: A Schizophrenic Middleware to Build Versatile Reliable Distributed Applications. Ada-Europe 2004: 106-119
24EEMejdi Kaddour, Laurent Pautet: A Middleware for Supporting Disconnections and Multi-Network Access in Mobile Environments. PerCom Workshops 2004: 187-191
23 Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: Des vertus de la schizophrénie pour le prototypage d'applications à composants interopérables. Technique et Science Informatiques 23(10): 1301-1328 (2004)
22EEJérôme Hugues, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: Contributions to middleware architectures to prototype distribution infrastructures. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2003: 124-
21EELaurent Pautet, Thomas Quinot, Samuel Tardieu: Building Modern Distributed Systems. Ada-Europe 2001: 123-135
20EEThomas Quinot, Laurent Pautet, Fabrice Kordon: From Functional to Architectural Analysis of a Middleware Supporting Interoperability across Heterogeneous Distribution Models. DOA 2001: 165-175
19EELaurent Pautet, Samuel Tardieu: GLADE: A Framework for Building Large Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Systems. ISORC 2000: 244-251
18EELaurent Pautet, Thomas Quinot, Samuel Tardieu: CORBA & DSA: Divorce or Marriage? Ada-Europe 1999: 211-225
17EELaurent Pautet, Thomas Quinot, Samuel Tardieu: CORBA and CORBA services for DSA. SIGAda 1999: 31-38
16EELaurent Pautet, Samuel Tardieu: What future for the distributed systems annex?. SIGAda 1999: 77-82
15EEOlivier Hainque, Laurent Pautet, Yann Le Biannic, Eric Nassor: Cronos: A Separate Compilation Toolset for Modular Esterel Applications. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 1836-1853
14EELaurent Pautet, Samuel Tardieu: Inside the Distributed Systems Annex. Ada-Europe 1998: 65-77
13EESamuel Tardieu, Laurent Pautet: Building Fault Tolerant Distributed Systems Using IP Multicast. SIGAda 1998: 45-51
12 Bertrand Dupouy, Olivier Hainque, Laurent Pautet, Samuel Tardieu: The SPIF Project. Ada-Europe 1997: 46-55
11EELaurent Pautet, Thomas Wolf: Transparent Filtering of Streams in GLADE. TRI-Ada 1997: 11-19
10EEDaniel Neri, Laurent Pautet, Samuel Tardieu: Debugging Distributed Applications with Replay Capabilities. TRI-Ada 1997: 189-195
9EEYvon Kermarrec, Laurent Nana, Laurent Pautet: Providing Fault-Tolerant Services to Distributed Ada 95 Applications. TRI-Ada 1996: 39-47
8EEYvon Kermarrec, Laurent Nana, Laurent Pautet: GNATDIST: A Configuration Language for Distributed Ada 95 Applications. TRI-Ada 1996: 63-72
7 Anthony Gargaro, Yvon Kermarrec, Laurent Pautet, Samuel Tardieu: PARIS - Partitioned Ada for Remotely Invoked Services. Ada-Europe 1995: 191-205
6 Yvon Kermarrec, Laurent Pautet: Programming Distributed Systems with Both Ada 95 and PVM. Ada-Europe 1995: 206-216
5 Yvon Kermarrec, Laurent Pautet: Ada Reusable Software Components for Teaching Distributed Systems. CSEE 1994: 77-96
4 Yvon Kermarrec, Laurent Pautet: Integrating Page Replacement in a Distributed Shared Virtual Memory. ICDCS 1994: 355-362
3EEYvon Kermarrec, Laurent Pautet: Ada-Linda: A Powerful Paradigm for Programming Distributed Ada Applications. TRI-Ada 1994: 438-445
2EEYvon Kermarrec, Laurent Pautet: A Distributed Shared Virtual Memory for Ada 83 and Ada 9X Applications. TRI-Ada 1993: 242-251
1EEYvon Kermarrec, Laurent Pautet: Ada Communication Components for Distributed and Real Time Applications. TRI-Ada 1992: 530-537

Coauthor Index

1Souheib Baarir [27]
2Khaled Barbaria [31] [38]
3Yann Le Biannic [15]
4Bertrand Dupouy [12]
5Anthony Gargaro [7]
6Olivier Hainque [12] [15]
7Irfan Hamid [39]
8Jérôme Hugues [22] [25] [27] [28] [29] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [38] [39] [40] [41]
9Mejdi Kaddour [24]
10Yvon Kermarrec [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
11Fabrice Kordon [20] [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [34] [36] [40]
12Laurent Nana [8] [9]
13Eric Nassor [15]
14Daniel Neri [10]
15Isabelle Perseil [31] [37]
16Thomas Quinot [17] [18] [20] [21]
17Samuel Tardieu [7] [10] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21]
18Yann Thierry-Mieg [27]
19Thomas Vergnaud [25] [27] [29] [30]
20Thomas Wolf [11]
21Bechir Zalila [32] [33] [35] [36] [39] [40] [41]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)