
Souheib Baarir

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7EESouheib Baarir, Julien Sopena, Fabrice Legond-Aubry: Verification of a Hierarchical Generic Mutual Exclusion Algorithm. FORTE 2008: 99-115
6EESouheib Baarir, Marco Beccuti, Giuliana Franceschinis: New Solvers for Asymmetric Systems in GreatSPN. QEST 2008: 235-236
5EESouheib Baarir, Alexandre Duret-Lutz: Emptiness Check of Powerset Buchi Automata using Inclusion Tests. ACSD 2007: 41-50
4EEMarco Beccuti, Giuliana Franceschinis, Souheib Baarir, J-M. Ilie: Efficient lumpability check in partially symmetric systems. QEST 2006: 211-220
3EESouheib Baarir, Claude Dutheillet, Serge Haddad, Jean-Michel Ilié: On the use of exact lumpability in partially symmetricalWell-formed Nets. QEST 2005: 23-32
2EEJérôme Hugues, Thomas Vergnaud, Laurent Pautet, Yann Thierry-Mieg, Souheib Baarir, Fabrice Kordon: On the Formal Verification of Middleware Behavioral Properties. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 133: 139-157 (2005)
1EEJean-Michel Ilié, Souheib Baarir, Marco Beccuti, C. Delamare, Susanna Donatelli, Claude Dutheillet, Giuliana Franceschinis, Rossano Gaeta, Patrice Moreaux: Extended SWN Solvers in GreatSPN. QEST 2004: 324-325

Coauthor Index

1Marco Beccuti [1] [4] [6]
2C. Delamare [1]
3Susanna Donatelli [1]
4Alexandre Duret-Lutz [5]
5Claude Dutheillet [1] [3]
6Giuliana Franceschinis [1] [4] [6]
7Rossano Gaeta [1]
8Serge Haddad [3]
9Jérôme Hugues [2]
10J-M. Ilie [4]
11Jean-Michel Ilié (Jean Michel Ilié) [1] [3]
12Fabrice Kordon [2]
13Fabrice Legond-Aubry [7]
14Patrice Moreaux [1]
15Laurent Pautet [2]
16Julien Sopena [7]
17Yann Thierry-Mieg [2]
18Thomas Vergnaud [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)