
David Oliver

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4EEStefan Parker, Gerhard Nussbaum, Helmut Sonntag, Franz Pühretmair, Veronika Williams, Rachel McCrindle, Christina Victor, David Oliver, Martin Maguire, Peter Mayer, Georg Edelmayer, Paul Panek: ENABLE - A View on User's Needs. ICCHP 2008: 1016-1023
3 Stephanie White, Mack W. Alford, Julian Holtzman, C. Stephen Kuehl, Brian McCay, David Oliver, David Owens, Colin Tully, Allan Willey: Systems Engineering of Computer-Based Systems, State of Practice Working Group. IEEE Computer 26(11): 54-65 (1993)
2 Stephanie White, Mack W. Alford, Brian McCay, David Oliver, Colin Tully, Julian Holtzman, C. Stephen Kuehl, David Owens, Allan Willey: Trends in Computer-Based Systems Engineering. ICCD 1992: 12-15
1EEDavid Oliver, David Bainum: Equipment maintenance as a user service. SIGUCCS 1987: 303

Coauthor Index

1Mack W. Alford [2] [3]
2David Bainum [1]
3Georg Edelmayer [4]
4Julian Holtzman [2] [3]
5C. Stephen Kuehl [2] [3]
6Martin Maguire [4]
7Peter Mayer [4]
8Brian McCay [2] [3]
9Rachel McCrindle [4]
10Gerhard Nussbaum [4]
11David Owens [2] [3]
12Paul Panek [4]
13Stefan Parker [4]
14Franz Pühretmair [4]
15Helmut Sonntag [4]
16Colin Tully [2] [3]
17Christina Victor [4]
18Stephanie White [2] [3]
19Allan Willey [2] [3]
20Veronika Williams [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)