
Paul Panek

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12EEPaul Panek, Wolfgang L. Zagler: A Living Lab for Ambient Assisted Living in the Municipality of Schwechat. ICCHP 2008: 1008-1015
11EEStefan Parker, Gerhard Nussbaum, Helmut Sonntag, Franz Pühretmair, Veronika Williams, Rachel McCrindle, Christina Victor, David Oliver, Martin Maguire, Peter Mayer, Georg Edelmayer, Paul Panek: ENABLE - A View on User's Needs. ICCHP 2008: 1016-1023
10EEJosef Diermaier, Katharina Neyder, Franz Werner, Paul Panek, Wolfgang L. Zagler: Distributed Accelerometers as a Main Component in Detecting Activities of Daily Living. ICCHP 2008: 1042-1049
9EEGernot Kronreif, Paul Panek, Alexander Hüntemann, Ger Cremers, Andreas Hochgatterer, Martin Fürst, Peter Mayer, Gert Jan Gelderblom: MOVEMENT - A Modular and Versatile Mobility Enhancement System. ICCHP 2008: 1244-1249
8EEWolfgang L. Zagler, Paul Panek, Marjo Rauhala: Ambient Assisted Living Systems - The Conflicts between Technology, Acceptance, Ethics and Privacy. ssisted Living Systems - Models, Architectures and Engineering Approaches 2007
7EEPeter Mayer, Paul Panek, Georg Edelmayer, Marnix Nuttin, Wolfgang L. Zagler: Scenarios of Use for a Modular Robotic Mobility Enhancement System for Profoundly Disabled Children in an Educational and Institutional Care Environment. ICCHP 2006: 1021-1028
6EEPaul Panek, Georg Edelmayer, Charlotte Magnusson, Peter Mayer, Johan F. M. Molenbroek, Håkan Neveryd, Robert Schlathau, Wolfgang L. Zagler: Investigations to Develop a Fully Adjustable Intelligent Toilet for Supporting Old People and Persons with Disabilities - The Friendly Rest Room (FRR) Project. ICCHP 2004: 392-399
5EEPaul Panek, Christian Beck, Stefan Mina, Gottfried Seisenbacher, Wolfgang L. Zagler: Technical Assistance for Motor- and Multiple Disabled Children - Some Long Term Experiences. ICCHP 2002: 181-188
4EEPaul Panek, Christian Beck, Andreas Hochgatterer, Stefan Mina, Barbara Prazak, Gottfried Seisenbacher, Mathijs Soede, Wolfgang L. Zagler: Tele-Help and Remote Service Provision Using RESORT Prototype System. ICCHP 2002: 635-642
3EEWolfgang L. Zagler, Paul Panek, Christian Flachberger: Technical assistance for severely motor- and multiple impaired children. CBMS 1997: 232-237
2 Paul Panek: Protocolling the TINATEL-System: A Contribution for Long Term Evaluation of an AAC-System for Speech Impaired Persons to Access the Public Telephone Network. ICCHP 1994: 437-446
1 Christian Flachberger, Paul Panek, Wolfgang L. Zagler: AUTONOMY - A Flexible and Easy-to-Use Assistive System to Support the Independence of Handicapped and Elderly Persons. ICCHP 1994: 65-75

Coauthor Index

1Christian Beck [4] [5]
2Ger Cremers [9]
3Josef Diermaier [10]
4Georg Edelmayer [6] [7] [11]
5Christian Flachberger [1] [3]
6Martin Fürst [9]
7Gert Jan Gelderblom [9]
8Andreas Hochgatterer [4] [9]
9Alexander Hüntemann [9]
10Gernot Kronreif [9]
11Charlotte Magnusson [6]
12Martin Maguire [11]
13Peter Mayer [6] [7] [9] [11]
14Rachel McCrindle [11]
15Stefan Mina [4] [5]
16Johan F. M. Molenbroek [6]
17Håkan Neveryd [6]
18Katharina Neyder [10]
19Gerhard Nussbaum [11]
20Marnix Nuttin [7]
21David Oliver [11]
22Stefan Parker [11]
23Barbara Prazak [4]
24Franz Pühretmair [11]
25Marjo Rauhala [8]
26Robert Schlathau [6]
27Gottfried Seisenbacher [4] [5]
28Mathijs Soede [4]
29Helmut Sonntag [11]
30Christina Victor [11]
31Franz Werner [10]
32Veronika Williams [11]
33Wolfgang L. Zagler [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)