
Franz Pühretmair

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13EEStefan Parker, Gerhard Nussbaum, Helmut Sonntag, Franz Pühretmair, Veronika Williams, Rachel McCrindle, Christina Victor, David Oliver, Martin Maguire, Peter Mayer, Georg Edelmayer, Paul Panek: ENABLE - A View on User's Needs. ICCHP 2008: 1016-1023
12EEFranz Pühretmair, Dimitrios Buhalis: Accessible Tourism Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. ICCHP 2008: 969-972
11EEFranz Pühretmair, Wolfram Wöß: A Flexible Concept to Establish Accessibility Information in Tourism Web-Pages. ICCHP 2008: 981-988
10EEMarkus Lassnig, Mark Markus, Kerstin Matausch, Franz Pühretmair, Andreas Wagner: (e-)Accessibility Research from the Perspective of the Tourism, Sport and Leisure Industries - Selected Project Results and Future Focus of the e-Motion Competence Centre. ICCHP 2008: 989-996
9EEFranz Pühretmair: People with Disabilities: Accessible Tourism Introduction to the Special Thematic Session. ICCHP 2006: 295-297
8EEFranz Pühretmair, Klaus Miesenberger: Accessible Information Space to Promote Accessible Tourism. ICCHP 2006: 329-336
7EEFranz Pühretmair, Klaus Miesenberger: Making Sense of Accessibility in IT Design - Usable Accessibility vs. Accessible Usability. DEXA Workshops 2005: 861-865
6 Wieland Schwinger, Werner Retschitzegger, Franz Pühretmair, Gerhard Nussbaum: Towards an Ontology-Based Customization Approach for Supporting People with Special Needs. iiWAS 2005: 185-196
5EEFranz Pühretmair: It's Time to Make eTourism Accessible. ICCHP 2004: 272-279
4EEJürgen Palkoska, Franz Pühretmair, Roland Wagner, Wolfram Wöß: Strategies for E-commerce Applications in Tourism. EC-Web 2003: 303-314
3 Sebastian Kornexl, Franz Pühretmair, Wolfram Wöß, Roland Wagner: Active Data Integration for Distribution of Up-to-date Tourism Media. iiWAS 2003
2EEFranz Pühretmair, Hildegard Rumetshofer, Erwin Schaumlechner: Extended Decision Making in Tourism Information Systems. EC-Web 2002: 57-66
1EEFranz Pühretmair, Wolfram Wöß: XML-Based Integration of GIS and Heterogeneous Tourism Information. CAiSE 2001: 346-358

Coauthor Index

1Dimitrios Buhalis [12]
2Georg Edelmayer [13]
3Sebastian Kornexl [3]
4Markus Lassnig [10]
5Martin Maguire [13]
6Mark Markus [10]
7Kerstin Matausch [10]
8Peter Mayer [13]
9Rachel McCrindle [13]
10Klaus Miesenberger [7] [8]
11Gerhard Nussbaum [6] [13]
12David Oliver [13]
13Jürgen Palkoska [4]
14Paul Panek [13]
15Stefan Parker [13]
16Werner Retschitzegger [6]
17Hildegard Rumetshofer [2]
18Erwin Schaumlechner [2]
19Wieland Schwinger [6]
20Helmut Sonntag [13]
21Christina Victor [13]
22Andreas Wagner [10]
23Roland Wagner [3] [4]
24Veronika Williams [13]
25Wolfram Wöß [1] [3] [4] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)