
Noriko Suzuki

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13EENoriko Suzuki, Ichiro Umata, Tatsuya Kitamura, Hiroshi Ando, Naomi Inoue: Toward Adaptive Interaction - The Effect of Ambient Sounds in an Ultra-Realistic Communication System. HCI (9) 2007: 185-194
12EENoriko Suzuki, Yasuhiro Katagiri: Prosodic alignment in human-computer interaction. Connect. Sci. 19(2): 131-141 (2007)
11EETomoko Yonezawa, Noriko Suzuki, Shinji Abe, Kenji Mase, Kiyoshi Kogure: Cross-modal coordination of expressive strength between voice and gesture for personified media. ICMI 2006: 43-50
10EEYasuhiro Katagiri, Mayumi Bono, Noriko Suzuki: Conversational Inverse Information for Context-Based Retrieval of Personal Experiences. JSAI Workshops 2005: 365-376
9EETomoko Yonezawa, Noriko Suzuki, Kenji Mase, Kiyoshi Kogure: HandySinger: Expressive Singing Voice Morphing using Personified Hand-puppet Interface. NIME 2005: 121-126
8EENoriko Suzuki, Christoph Bartneck: Special issue on subtle expressivity for characters and robots. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 62(2): 159-160 (2005)
7EENoriko Suzuki, Kazuhiko Kakehi, Yugo Takeuchi, Michio Okada: Social effects of the speed of hummed sounds on human-computer interaction. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 60(4): 455-468 (2004)
6EENoriko Suzuki, Christoph Bartneck: Subtle expressivity for characters and robots. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 1064-1065
5 Mayumi Bono, Noriko Suzuki, Yasuhiro Katagiri: An Analysis of Participation Structure in Conversation Based on Interaction Corpus of Ubiquitous Sensor Data. INTERACT 2003
4EENoriko Suzuki, Yugo Takeuchi, Kazuo Ishii, Michio Okada: Effects of echoic mimicry using hummed sounds on human-computer interaction. Speech Communication 40(4): 559-573 (2003)
3 Noriko Suzuki, Yugo Takeuchi, Michio Okada: Psychological Effects Derived from Mimicry Voice Using Inarticulate Sounds. PRICAI 2000: 647-656
2EENoriko Suzuki, Yugo Takeuchi, Kazuo Ishii, Michio Okada: Talking Eye: Autonomous creatures for augmented chatting. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 31(3): 171-184 (2000)
1EENoriko Suzuki, Kazuo Ishii, Michio Okada: Talking Eye: Autonomous Creature as Accomplice for Human. APCHI 1998: 409-414

Coauthor Index

1Shinji Abe [11]
2Hiroshi Ando [13]
3Christoph Bartneck [6] [8]
4Mayumi Bono [5] [10]
5Naomi Inoue [13]
6Kazuo Ishii [1] [2] [4]
7Kazuhiko Kakehi [7]
8Yasuhiro Katagiri [5] [10] [12]
9Tatsuya Kitamura [13]
10Kiyoshi Kogure [9] [11]
11Kenji Mase [9] [11]
12Michio Okada [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
13Yugo Takeuchi [2] [3] [4] [7]
14Ichiro Umata [13]
15Tomoko Yonezawa [9] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)