
Jean-Marc Odobez

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46EESileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez: Visual focus of attention estimation from head pose posterior probability distributions. ICME 2008: 53-56
45EEHayley Hung, Dinesh Babu Jayagopi, Sileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez: Investigating automatic dominance estimation in groups from visual attention and speaking activity. ICMI 2008: 233-236
44EEDinesh Babu Jayagopi, Sileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez: Predicting two facets of social verticality in meetings from five-minute time slices and nonverbal cues. ICMI 2008: 45-52
43EEXavier Naturel, Jean-Marc Odobez: Detecting queues at vending machines: A statistical layered approach. ICPR 2008: 1-4
42EEKevin Smith, Sileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez: Tracking the Visual Focus of Attention for a Varying Number of Wandering People. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 30(7): 1212-1229 (2008)
41EEHayley Hung, Dinesh Babu Jayagopi, Chuohao Yeo, Gerald Friedland, Sileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez, Kannan Ramchandran, Nikki Mirghafori, Daniel Gatica-Perez: Using audio and video features to classify the most dominant person in a group meeting. ACM Multimedia 2007: 835-838
40EEPedro Quelhas, Jean-Marc Odobez: Multi-level local descriptor quantization for bag-of-visterms image representation. CIVR 2007: 242-249
39EESileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez: Probabilistic Head Pose Tracking Evaluation in Single and Multiple Camera Setups. CLEAR 2007: 276-286
38EEJian Yao, Jean-Marc Odobez: Multi-Layer Background Subtraction Based on Color and Texture. CVPR 2007
37EEJean-Marc Odobez, Sileye O. Ba: A Cognitive and Unsupervised Map Adaptation Approach to the Recognition of the Focus of Attention from Head Pose. ICME 2007: 1379-1382
36EEPedro Quelhas, Florent Monay, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Tinne Tuytelaars: A Thousand Words in a Scene. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(9): 1575-1589 (2007)
35EEDaniel Gatica-Perez, Guillaume Lathoud, Jean-Marc Odobez, Iain McCowan: Audiovisual Probabilistic Tracking of Multiple Speakers in Meetings. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 15(2): 601-616 (2007)
34EEGuillaume Lathoud, Jean-Marc Odobez: Short-Term Spatio-Temporal Clustering Applied to Multiple Moving Speakers. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing 15(5): 1696-1710 (2007)
33EEPedro Quelhas, Jean-Marc Odobez: Natural Scene Image Modeling Using Color and Texture Visterms. CIVR 2006: 411-421
32EESileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez: Head Pose Tracking and Focus of Attention Recognition Algorithms in Meeting Rooms. CLEAR 2006: 345-357
31EEKevin Smith, Sileye O. Ba, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Jean-Marc Odobez: Tracking the multi person wandering visual focus of attention. ICMI 2006: 265-272
30EEMarc Al-Hames, Thomas Hain, Jan Cernocký, Sascha Schreiber, Mannes Poel, Ronald Müller, Sébastien Marcel, David van Leeuwen, Jean-Marc Odobez, Sileye O. Ba, Hervé Bourlard, Fabien Cardinaux, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Adam Janin, Petr Motlícek, Stephan Reiter, Steve Renals, Jeroen van Rest, Rutger Rienks, Gerhard Rigoll, Kevin Smith, Andrew Thean, Pavel Zemcík: Audio-Visual Processing in Meetings: Seven Questions and Current AMI Answers. MLMI 2006: 24-35
29EESileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez: A Study on Visual Focus of Attention Recognition from Head Pose in a Meeting Room. MLMI 2006: 75-87
28EEJean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Sileye O. Ba: Embedding Motion in Model-Based Stochastic Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(11): 3514-3530 (2006)
27EEAlessandro Vinciarelli, Jean-Marc Odobez: Application of Information Retrieval Technologies to Presentation Slides. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 8(5): 981-995 (2006)
26EEKevin Smith, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Jean-Marc Odobez: Using Particles to Track Varying Numbers of Interacting People. CVPR (1) 2005: 962-969
25EEPedro Quelhas, Florent Monay, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc J. Van Gool: Modeling Scenes with Local Descriptors and Latent Aspects. ICCV 2005: 883-890
24EEN. Daddaoua, Jean-Marc Odobez, Alessandro Vinciarelli: OCR Based Slide Retrieval. ICDAR 2005: 945-949
23EEMark Barnard, Jean-Marc Odobez: Sports Event Recognition Using Layered HMMS. ICME 2005: 1150-1153
22EESileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez: Evaluation of Multiple Cue Head Pose Estimation Algorithms in Natural Environements. ICME 2005: 1330-1333
21EEDaniel Gatica-Perez, Guillaume Lathoud, Jean-Marc Odobez, Iain McCowan: Multimodal multispeaker probabilistic tracking in meetings. ICMI 2005: 183-190
20EEFlorent Monay, Pedro Quelhas, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Jean-Marc Odobez: Constructing Visual Models with a Latent Space Approach. SLSFS 2005: 115-126
19EEDatong Chen, Jean-Marc Odobez, Jean-Philippe Thiran: Monte Carlo video text segmentation. IJPRAI 19(5): 647-661 (2005)
18EEDatong Chen, Jean-Marc Odobez: Video text recognition using sequential Monte Carlo and error voting methods. Pattern Recognition Letters 26(9): 1386-1403 (2005)
17EEDaniel Gatica-Perez, Napat Triroj, Jean-Marc Odobez, Alexander C. Loui, Ming-Ting Sun: Assessing Scene Structuring in Consumer Videos. CIVR 2004: 150-159
16EEJean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez: Embedding Motion in Model-Based Stochastic Tracking. ICPR (2) 2004: 815-818
15EEMark Barnard, Jean-Marc Odobez: Robust Playfield Segmentation using MAP Adaptation. ICPR (3) 2004: 610-613
14EESileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez: A Probabilistic Framework for Joint Head Tracking and Pose Estimation. ICPR (4) 2004: 264-267
13EEGuillaume Lathoud, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez: AV16.3: An Audio-Visual Corpus for Speaker Localization and Tracking. MLMI 2004: 182-195
12EEDatong Chen, Jean-Marc Odobez, Hervé Bourlard: Text detection, recognition in images and video frames. Pattern Recognition 37(3): 595-608 (2004)
11EEJean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Maël Guillemot: Spectral Structuring of Home Videos. CIVR 2003: 310-320
10 Datong Chen, Jean-Marc Odobez: Sequential Monte Carlo video text segmentation. ICIP (3) 2003: 21-24
9 Daniel Gatica-Perez, Guillaume Lathoud, Iain McCowan, Jean-Marc Odobez, Darren Moore: Audio-visual speaker tracking with importance particle filters. ICIP (3) 2003: 25-28
8 Maël Guillemot, Pierre Wellner, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Jean-Marc Odobez: A Hierarchical Keyframe User Interface for Browsing Video over the Internet. INTERACT 2003
7 Jean-Marc Odobez, Datong Chen: Robust video text segmentation and recognition with multiple hypotheses. ICIP (2) 2002: 433-436
6EEDatong Chen, Jean-Marc Odobez, Hervé Bourlard: Text Segmentation and Recognition in Complex Background Based on Markov Random Field. ICPR (4) 2002: 227-230
5 Jean-Marc Odobez, Emmanuel Roy, Pierre Abraham: Analysis of Doppler Ultrasound Time Frequency Images Using Deformable Models. ICIP 2000
4EEJean-Pierre Leduc, Jean-Marc Odobez, Claude Labit: Adaptive motion-compensated wavelet filtering for image sequence coding. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(6): 862-878 (1997)
3 Jean-Marc Odobez, Patrick Bouthemy: Direct Model-Based Image Motion Segmentation for Dynamic Scene Analysis. ACCV 1995: 101-110
2 Jean-Marc Odobez, Patrick Bouthemy: Detection of Multiple Moving Objects using Multiscale MRF with Camera Motion Compensation. ICIP (2) 1994: 257-261
1 Eric Nguyen, Claude Labit, Jean-Marc Odobez: A ROI Approach for Hybrid Image Sequence Coding. ICIP (3) 1994: 245-249

Coauthor Index

1Pierre Abraham [5]
2Marc Al-Hames [30]
3Sileye O. Ba [14] [22] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [37] [39] [41] [42] [44] [45] [46]
4Mark Barnard [15] [23]
5Hervé Bourlard [6] [12] [30]
6Patrick Bouthemy [2] [3]
7Fabien Cardinaux [30]
8Jan Cernocký [30]
9Datong Chen [6] [7] [10] [12] [18] [19]
10N. Daddaoua [24]
11Gerald Friedland [41]
12Daniel Gatica-Perez [8] [9] [11] [13] [16] [17] [20] [21] [25] [26] [28] [30] [31] [35] [36] [41] [42] [44] [45]
13Luc J. Van Gool [25]
14Maël Guillemot [8] [11]
15Thomas Hain [30]
16Hayley Hung [41] [45]
17Adam Janin [30]
18Dinesh Babu Jayagopi [41] [44] [45]
19Claude Labit [1] [4]
20Guillaume Lathoud [9] [13] [21] [34] [35]
21Jean-Pierre Leduc [4]
22David van Leeuwen [30]
23Alexander C. Loui [17]
24Sébastien Marcel [30]
25Iain McCowan [9] [21] [35]
26Nikki Mirghafori [41]
27Florent Monay [20] [25] [36]
28Darren Moore [9]
29Petr Motlícek [30]
30Ronald Müller [30]
31Xavier Naturel [43]
32Eric Nguyen [1]
33Mannes Poel [30]
34Pedro Quelhas [20] [25] [33] [36] [40]
35Kannan Ramchandran [41]
36Stephan Reiter [30]
37Steve Renals [30]
38Jeroen van Rest [30]
39Rutger Rienks [30]
40Gerhard Rigoll [30]
41Emmanuel Roy [5]
42Sascha Schreiber [30]
43Kevin Smith [26] [30] [31] [42]
44Ming-Ting Sun [17]
45Andrew Thean [30]
46Jean-Philippe Thiran [19]
47Napat Triroj [17]
48Tinne Tuytelaars [25] [36]
49Alessandro Vinciarelli [24] [27]
50Pierre Wellner [8]
51Jian Yao [38]
52Chuohao Yeo [41]
53Pavel Zemcík [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)