
Kevin Smith

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15EEKevin Smith, Alan Carleton, Vincent Lepetit: General constraints for batch Multiple-Target Tracking applied to large-scale videomicroscopy. CVPR 2008
14EEKevin Smith, Sileye O. Ba, Jean-Marc Odobez, Daniel Gatica-Perez: Tracking the Visual Focus of Attention for a Varying Number of Wandering People. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 30(7): 1212-1229 (2008)
13EEKevin Smith, Sascha Schreiber, Igor Potucek, Vítezslav Beran, Gerhard Rigoll, Daniel Gatica-Perez: 2D Multi-person Tracking: A Comparative Study in AMI Meetings. CLEAR 2006: 331-344
12EEKevin Smith, Sileye O. Ba, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Jean-Marc Odobez: Tracking the multi person wandering visual focus of attention. ICMI 2006: 265-272
11EEMarc Al-Hames, Thomas Hain, Jan Cernocký, Sascha Schreiber, Mannes Poel, Ronald Müller, Sébastien Marcel, David van Leeuwen, Jean-Marc Odobez, Sileye O. Ba, Hervé Bourlard, Fabien Cardinaux, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Adam Janin, Petr Motlícek, Stephan Reiter, Steve Renals, Jeroen van Rest, Rutger Rienks, Gerhard Rigoll, Kevin Smith, Andrew Thean, Pavel Zemcík: Audio-Visual Processing in Meetings: Seven Questions and Current AMI Answers. MLMI 2006: 24-35
10EEKevin Smith, Sascha Schreiber, Igor Potucek, Vítezslav Beran, Gerhard Rigoll, Daniel Gatica-Perez: Multi-person Tracking in Meetings: A Comparative Study. MLMI 2006: 88-101
9EEKevin Smith, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Jean-Marc Odobez: Using Particles to Track Varying Numbers of Interacting People. CVPR (1) 2005: 962-969
8EEAthman Bouguettaya, Boualem Benatallah, Lily Hendra, James Beard, Kevin Smith, Mourad Ouzzani: World Wide Database - Integrating the Web, CORBA, and Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1999: 594-596
7 Duncan Stevenson, Kevin Smith, Paul Veldkamp, John McLaughlin, Rochelle O'Hagan, Dione Smith, Chris Gunn: Virtual Environments for Industrial Applications. INTERACT 1997: 117-118
6 William F. Appelbe, Kevin Smith: Determining Transformation Sequences for Loop Parallelization. LCPC 1992: 208-222
5EEWilliam F. Appelbe, Kevin Smith, Kurt Stirewalt: PATCH - a new algorithm for rapid incremental dependence analysis. ICS 1991: 424-432
4EEKevin Smith, William F. Appelbe, Kurt Stirewalt: Incremental dependence analysis for interactive parallelization. ICS 1990: 330-341
3EEKevin Smith, William F. Appelbe: Interactive conversion of sequential to multitasking FORTRAN. ICS 1989: 225-234
2 William F. Appelbe, Kevin Smith, Charles E. McDowell: Start/Pat: A Parallel-Programming Toolkit. IEEE Software 6(4): 29-38 (1989)
1 Kevin Smith, William F. Appelbe: PAT : An Interactive Fortran Parallelizing Assistant Tool. ICPP (2) 1988: 58-62

Coauthor Index

1Marc Al-Hames [11]
2William F. Appelbe [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Sileye O. Ba [11] [12] [14]
4James Beard [8]
5Boualem Benatallah [8]
6Vítezslav Beran [10] [13]
7Athman Bouguettaya [8]
8Hervé Bourlard [11]
9Fabien Cardinaux [11]
10Alan Carleton [15]
11Jan Cernocký [11]
12Daniel Gatica-Perez [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
13Chris Gunn [7]
14Thomas Hain [11]
15Lily Hendra [8]
16Adam Janin [11]
17David van Leeuwen [11]
18Vincent Lepetit [15]
19Sébastien Marcel [11]
20Charles E. McDowell (Charlie McDowell) [2]
21John McLaughlin [7]
22Petr Motlícek [11]
23Ronald Müller [11]
24Rochelle O'Hagan [7]
25Jean-Marc Odobez [9] [11] [12] [14]
26Mourad Ouzzani [8]
27Mannes Poel [11]
28Igor Potucek [10] [13]
29Stephan Reiter [11]
30Steve Renals [11]
31Jeroen van Rest [11]
32Rutger Rienks [11]
33Gerhard Rigoll [10] [11] [13]
34Sascha Schreiber [10] [11] [13]
35Dione Smith [7]
36Duncan Stevenson [7]
37R. E. Kurt Stirewalt (Kurt Stirewalt) [4] [5]
38Andrew Thean [11]
39Paul Veldkamp [7]
40Pavel Zemcík [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)